Feng Ruohang (former NAME, former OYT) Profile and Facts
Feng Ruohang is a former member of the Chinese girl group NAME under Yuehua Entertainment. She is a former member of the Chinese girl group OYT under Shengyuan Inter Entertainment and was a contestant in the Chinese survival show Youth With You 2.
Fandom Name: Airplanes
Fandom Color: plum purple
Feng Ruohang SNS:
Personal Instagram: @airplaneflyfly (inactive)
Personal Weibo: NAME-冯若航
Stage Name: Feng Ruohang (冯若航)
Birth Name: Feng Ruo Hang (冯若航)
Birthday: September 12, 1996
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rat
Height: 172 cm (5’8″)
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Blood Type: —
Feng Ruohang Facts:
– She is from the city of Jiaozuo, Henan province, China.
– Her nickname is Peach Kobito (Pitao).
– Graduated from Henan Normal University.
– She reacts slowly to any occurences.
– She is quiet, but sometimes she can be playful.
– Her role model is Lisa.
– Her hobbies are eating snacks and exercising.
– She likes traveling, dancing, climbing trees and going to amusement parks.
– Her fears are bugs and going to stage unprepared.
– She loves steamed buns and sweets very much.
– She hates seafood.
– She knows martial arts moves and can break wooden bricks.
– She was a trainee for six months before joining the group.
– She was not a participant in the survival show XI Eleven, which formed OYT, she was added later.
– She participated in Youth With You 2, she was eliminated in the second round, her final rank is 44th.
– She auditioned for Girls Planet 999, but did not succeed.
– Her catchphrase: “I’m so hungry!“.
– She left NAME because of a competition where viewers can decide who to leave a group.
Youth With You 2 Information:
– Her flower code was Delicious Fried Twist, flower made of flour, which can sustain life.
– She was given a B rank on the first judges evaluation.
– She was ranked 46th on the episode 2.
– She was ranked 51st on the episode 4.
– She was ranked 49th on the episode 6.
– She performed “The Eve” in the Dance section for first round.
– She was ranked 68th by live voting on the episode 7.
– She was given a F rank on the second judges evaluation.
– She was given a D rank on the third judges evaluation.
– She was ranked 47th on the episodes 9-10.
– She was ranked 38th on the episode 12.
– She performed “How Can I Look So Good” (Team A) for the second round Team Battle.
– She was ranked 43rd by live voting on the episode 13.
– She performed “MAMA” (Chinese Version) (Team A) for the second round Revenge Evaluation.
– She was chosen for “Non-Daily Revelry” for the third round.
– She was eliminated on the episode 16 by the results of the second round.
Made by Alpert
Additional information provided by sorrysweetie, Felipe Grin§
Note: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. Please do respect the time and effort the author put in compiling this profile. Thanks a lot! – Kprofiles.com
Related: NAME Members Profile
OYT Members Profile
Youth With You 2 Contestants List
Clips and focus cams from Youth With You 2 on iQIYI
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