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FA Members Profile

FA Members Profiles:  FA Members Facts

is a 10 member collective, they are a group of musicians, stylists and graphic designers who have all come together. They have a butterfly as a logo. Each singer has a different butterfly on the cover for the album.

FA Official Accounts:
Instagram: fa_presents

FA Members Profiles:

Stage Name: Vangdale
Birth Name: Bang Jinwoo (방 진우)
Birthday: March 3, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Instagram: Vangdale & GXXD
Soundcloud: Girlnexxtdoor

Vangdale Facts:
-Vangdale is the founder of FA and he’s a producer.
-His producer name is Girlnexxtdoor (GXXD).
-He’s also part of the Crew Yelows Mob (YLS) with Sik-k, groovyroom, Thomas Lee e.t.c.
-He released his debut album GXXD on the 5th of January 2019
-His producer Tag is “Can I Come In”
-He has produced North Face by COOGIE feat Jvcki Wai, 19 Cayenne Freestyle by sik-k and many more songs
Show more Vangdale fun facts…


Stage Name: Rooftop
 Birth Name: Shin Yeongdeok (신영덕)
Birthday: September 22, 1994
 Zodiac Sign: Libra
Soundcloud: Rooftop
 Instagram: rooftop_blase
Youtube: Hive Crew

Blasé Facts:
-Blasé was also known as Bla$e Kid
-Blasé and Dive are rappers who met while in the military
-They now live together.
-He is part of Hive Crew with COOGIE and Leben As I.
-He is also close with Sik-k and Wayched
-Blasè featured in the original version of Movin’ and Movin’ and Coogie
-Under FA, Blasè has released Spit Feat COOGIE


Stage Name: Dive
 Birth Name: Shin Hojung (신 호정)
 Birthday: March 25, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Aires
Instagram: rooftop_dive
Soundcloud: Rooftop
Youtube: Hive Crew

Dive Facts: 
-Dive was also known as Dive in purple
-Blasé and Dive are rappers who met while in the military
-Dive has released Faraway X featuring Moon
-Blasé and Dive are known as Rooftop when they are together
-Dive and Blasé now live together.
-He is part of Hive Crew with COOGIE and Leben As I.
-He is also close with Sik-k and Wayched

Jung Jinhyeong

Stage Name: Jung Jinhyeong
Birth Name: Jung Jinheyong (정 진형)
Birthday: May 17, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Instagram: jay_thewhimiscal
Soundcloud:  lllryoil
Spotify: Jung Jinhyeong

Jung Jinhyeong Facts:
-He’s been under YG Entertainment, SFR Entertainment and Axis
-He trained with iKON
-Him and Theo went to the same High school and are very close
-He’s also good friends with Wayched
-He released his Debut album Soar on the 25th of October 2019
-Vangdale inspired him to make the music he wanted to make
-He is friends with Jung Jaewon
Show more Jung Jinhyeong fun facts…


Stage Name: Theo
Birth Name: Kim Daegyeong (김대경)
Birthday: August 18, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 179cm (5’10”)
Instagram: theomeanstheo
Youtube: dresscodeblack

Theo Facts:
-Theo was previously known as dresscodeblack
-He has a dog named Bill

GoopyStage Name: Goopy
Birth Name:
Birthday: November 11th, 1996
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Instagram: 900py
Soundcloud: goopy

Goopy Facts:
-He’s very close with Mokyo and Jooyoung


Birth Name: Mingeun (민근)
Birthday: March 5, 1993
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Instagram: rootsseoul

Roots Facts:
-Roots is a producer and DJ
-He is always playing at the club

Kim Minjeong

Name: Kim Minjeong (김민정)
Birthday: —
Zodiac Sign: —

Kim Minjeong Facts:
-She’s a visual creative
-She is the only female under FA
-She’s made all the album covers for FA


Birth Name: —
Birthday: —
Zodiac Sign: —
Instagram: pulsethewidth

Roh Facts:
-He is a stylist
-He chose some more of the iconic fits for rooftop


Stage Name: Leo
Birth Name: Jo Taekyun (조태균)
Birthday: August 15, 1993
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 188cm (6’2″)
Instagram: kyunnleo

Leo Facts:
-He’s a DJ
-His Baptismal name is Leo

Inactive Members:

Birth Name: Kwon Hyuk (권혁)
Stage Name: Arterest
Birthday: November 26, 1992
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Arterest Facts:
-He owns a visual/ gallery Cafe in Gangnam
-He is currently inactive with FA so it is unsure if he is still a member of FA

This info was borrowed from FA Archive on Twitter. Please go visit their twitter page! Thank you so much for letting me make a profile with the information from your twitter page~

Note: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. If you use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. Thanks a lot! 🙂 – Kprofiles.com

Made by: emmalily

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About the author


I'm Emma! I'm 20.
I'm a full time student with a part time job so please be patient if I take a while to update profiles.
I stan many groups (too many to list)!