ENJIN Members Profile
ENJIN (円神-エンジン-) is a 6-member Japanese boy group under Showtitle, consisting of: A.rik, Sol, Toy, Ryono, Hyuga, and Kyo. On December 31, 2023, Kumazawa Fumiya graduated from the group. Taiga and Tsubasa graduated from the group on November 27, 2024. The group was formed with former contestants of Produce 101 Japan on June 15, 2020, and made their debut stage on December 4 of the same year.
Group Name Meaning: What is an engine.
Official Greeting: N/A
ENJIN Official Fandom Name: N/A
ENJIN Official Colors: N/A
ENJIN Official Logo:
Official SNS:
Website: enjin-official.jp
Instagram: @official_enjin
X: @official_enjin
TikTok: @official_enjin
YouTube: ENJIN
Fanclub Website: fc.enjin-official.jp
ENJIN Member Profiles:
Stage Name: A.rik
Birth Name: Fukuchi Sho (福地 正)
Position(s): N/A
Birthday: September 30, 1993
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
Weight: 54 kg (119 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Japanese
Official Color: Yellow-green
Instagram: @erkfdl
X: @Sho3s2
A.rik Facts:
– He was born in Okinawa, Japan.
– Ever since he was little he’s wanted to go into the entertainment industry.
– His hobby is remaking clothes.
– His special skills are singing, dancing and playing the piano.
– He wants fans to call him “Eric”, as it is how A.rik is pronounced.
– He chose the name A.rik because he wanted to renew his image from Produce 101 Japan, and he wanted a cool sign.
– His catchphrase is “Ottoriman”.
– He likes fake nails and nail polish.
– He also works as model on the side.
– A.rik acted in season 2 of “A Man Who Defies the World of BL”. His character’s name was Katsumi.
– Produce 101 Japan Ranking: 50-60-67-59-27-32-31-28-eliminated.
Stage Name: Sol
Birth Name: Miyazato Tatsutashi (宮里 龍斗志)
Position(s): N/A
Birthday: September 13, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 171 cm (5’7″)
Weight: 59 kg (130 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese
Official Color: Red
Instagram: @sol.xce
X: @sol_xcs
Sol Facts:
– He was born in Chatan, Okinawa, Japan.
– There wasn’t any particular reason for him going into the entertainment industry. He just had the feeling that he should become an idol.
– He likes hot springs, the zoo, aquariums, skateboarding, and playing in the nature.
– His special skills are surfing, karate and taking long baths.
– He’s using Miyazato Sol as his name because he likes the sun and “Sol” is sun in Latin.
– His fans can call him whatever they want like “Sol-kun” or “Ryutoshi”.
– His catchphrase: “Citizen’s friends”.
– He likes to take long baths.
– He acted in the drama “アオハライド” (Ao Haru Ride).
– Produce 101 Japan Ranking: 32-28-25-25-24-27-28-26-eliminated.
– Sol is acting in the Jdrama “アオハライド” (Ao Haru Ride) (2023).
Stage Name: Toy
Birth Name: Nakabayashi Toi (中林登生)
Position(s): N/A
Birthday: December 27, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 171 cm (5’7″)
Weight: 57 kg (125 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Japanese
Official Color: Green
Instagram: @n.
X: @n12_27t
Toy Facts:
– He was born in Osaka, Japan.
– He decided to become an entertainer after seeing Tomohisa Yamashita’s “Proposal Daisakusen”. He thought it was really cool and he wanted to do something similar.
– His hobbies are kickboxing, watching movies, observing people, and walking around in new places he doesn’t know.
– His special skills are soccer, volleyball and doing backflips.
– He’s played soccer for 13 years.
– He wants to try “a mature and cool hairstyle with appeal”.
– He likes the pink colored hair he had in Pudu, and he wants to do it again.
– He can do backflips.
– He wants his fans to call him “Toi” or “Toi-kun”.
– If he had to give himself a catch phrase it would be, “A little stupid but positive person with good motor skills from Osaka”.
– He is a fan of BTS.
– Produce 101 Japan rankings: 89-58-93-44-55-55-eliminated.
Stage Name: Ryono
Birth Name: Kusachi Ryono (草地 稜之)
Position(s): N/A
Birthday: June 17, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 178 cm (5’10″)
Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Official Color: Pink
Instagram: @18mgumr_no1
X: @RyononK
Ryono Facts:
– He was born in Tokyo, Japan.
– Before Produce 101 Japan he was shy and didn’t have any confidence, so he began to challenge himself with different contests.
– His hobbies are watching movies and exercising.
– His special skills are imitating Masaharu Fukuyama, doing magic tricks and playing basketball.
– His catchphrase is,” Everyone’s Idol” or “Kusachi Kusachi Kusachicchi”.
– He wants to be called Ryo.
– Produce 101 Japan Ranking: 49-44-34-31-48-51-eliminated.
Stage Name: Hyuga
Birth Name: Nakatani Hyuga (中谷日向)
Position(s): N/A
Birthday: September 15, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 173 cm (5’8″)
Weight: 57 kg (125 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese
Official Color: Purple
Instagram: @nakatanihyuga
X: @hyuga_915
YouTube: 中谷日向
Hyuga Facts:
– He was born in Osaka, Japan.
– He was inspired from Namie Amuro‘s live. He wanted to sing and dance.
– He is interested Korean dramas, K-pop idols, fashion and film cameras.
– His special skills are dancing, doing makeup, and being able to navigate well anywhere without a map.
– He only uses Korean beauty products.
– He is a very energetic person.
– He wants to travel overseas.
– His catchphrase is,” It’s cool if you don’t talk, the character collapses if you talk”.
– He wants to be called “Hyuga”.
– Produce 101 Japan rankings: 46-70-98-51-58-57-eliminated.
Stage Name: Kyo
Birth Name: Yamada Kyo (山田恭)
Position(s): Youngest
Birthday: September 27, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 178 cm (5’10″)
Weight: 61 kg (134 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Japanese
Official Color: Blue
Instagram: @kyoro_2927
X: @kyoro2927
Kyo Facts:
– He was born in Ishikawa, Japan.
– His hobbies are dancing and watching movies.
– His special skill is being able to watch dances and copy them afterwards.
– He wants to be called anything like “Kyo-kun” or “Kyo-chan”.
– He’s always liked Arashi-san, and he’s been to 5 live shows.
– He’s a positive person.
– His catch phrase: “Yamada, Kyo in the dark”.
– He says, “If you ever feel dark, talk to your parents”.
– Produce 101 Japan rankings: 72-62-54-58-39-45-eliminated.
Former Member(s):
Kumazawa Fumiya
Stage Name: Kumazawa Fumiya (熊澤歩哉)
Birth Name: Kumazawa Fumiya (熊澤歩哉)
Position(s): N/A
Birthday: October 22, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 175 cm (5’9″)
Weight: 54 kg (119 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese
Official Color: Orange
Instagram: @kuma.1022
X: @kumadayo_1022
Kumazawa Fumiya Facts:
– He was born in Koriyama, Fukushima, Japan.
– On December 31, 2023, he graduated from the group to pursue a career in voice acting.
– He already did voice acting before as a hobby, but it was his dream to do voice acting on a more professional level.
– He likes fashion, games, and watching anime.
– His catchphrases are “I’m a bear with a smile today” and “I’m Fumiya Kumazawa, the bear! Thank you!”.
– He wants to be called “Kuma-chan”.
– He can play tennis.
– He is friends with Teruhisa from THE SUPER FRUIT.
– He often goes to events, gets energized, and dreams.
– Produce 101 Japan rankings: 73-86-85-97-eliminated.
Stage Name: Taiga
Birth Name: Nakamoto Taiga (中本大賀)
Position(s): N/A
Birthday: February 17, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 182 cm (5’11″)
Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Japanese
Official Color: Yellow
Instagram: @tiger_gaooo_0217
X: @Taiga08270217
Taiga Facts:
– He was born in Osaka, Japan.
– Taiga graduated from law school in March 2023. (Source: His IG posts)
– He is also a member of Sapphire where he goes by the name Luke.
– He is a former member of the group Seishun Koukou 3-Nen C-Gumi, formed through the variety show of the same name.
– His younger sister is #Mooove!‘s Nakamoto Komari.
– Taiga and his younger sister run a TikTok account together, called @nakamoto_brothers.
– He was inspired to enter the entertainment industry after watching a performance of Kawamura Kazuma from THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE up close.
– He decided to enter Produce 101 Japan since he originally liked K-Pop and was a fan of WOODZ, who participated on the Korean version of Produce 101.
– His hobbies are karaoke, dancing, watching baseball, and watching movies.
– His special skills are singing, dancing, and playing baseball, basketball and handball.
– He can speak Chinese, as he took it as a subject in college, according to his IG posts.
– His favorite drink is Bubble Tea (Boba).
– He wants his fans to call him Oga.
– He makes his own songs.
– He writes lyrics first. He puts what he has in mind onto paper. He has no experience with musical instruments, and makes all of his music on an iPad.
– His catch phrase is “Keep evolving and become a fierce tiger”.
– He owns a pet turtle.
– Produce 101 Japan rankings: 61-36-30-29-31-29-33-30.
– He graduated from the group on November 27, 2024.
Stage Name: Tsubasa
Birth Name: Takizawa Tsubasa (瀧澤翼)
Position(s): Leader, Youngest
Birthday: March 2, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 177 cm (5’10″)
Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Japanese
Official Color: Light Blue
Instagram: @tsubasa_takizawa
X: @takitsuba_land
Tsubasa Facts:
– He was born in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. He later moved to Chiba.
– His hobbies are listening to music and watching movies.
– His specialties are dancing and voice imitation.
– He’s the moderator in the group.
– He wants to be called “Bassa” by his fans.
– He thinks he’s a good listener and speaker, and he tries to always listen carefully to what someone is saying.
– When he was 5, he was moved by Aina Ashida’s acting when he saw “Mother”.
– He’s often told by others around him that he’s like a dog.
– His catch phrase is “High-tension dog”.
– Produce 101 Japan rankings: 29-29-31-37-35-37-eliminated.
– He graduated from the group on November 27, 2024.
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Made by: °・: ࿔`❀.坤華_Panda.❀ˊ࿔ :・°
Edited by: noa (forkimbit)
(Special thanks to: Sarah Summerfield, nana:)))), Riku, Kin-a, and more!)
Latest Official Release:
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