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Disqualia Members Profile and Facts

Disqualia Members Profile and Facts

Disqualia was a Japanese 3-member visual kei girl band. They debuted on December 16, 2015 with the single “Over the destruction” and have most likely disbanded due to them being inactive since 2017.

Disqualia Members:

Birth Name: Narumi Suzuki
Position: Guitarist
Birthday: September 4, 1991
Twitter: narumi_gt
Instagram: narumi_gt
YouTube: Narumi Official
Website: narumiguitar.wixsite.com
Facebook: Suzuki Narumi
Spotify: Narumi

Narumi Facts:
– She later became a member of Lonesome_Blue. However, she left the band on July 21, 2023.
– She made her indie debut in 2012, and her solo debut with her first guitar instrumental work “The SEED”.
– She has worked with many famous metal bands.
– She was a member of DESTROSE.


Position: Guitarist
Birthday: August 16
Blood Type: A
Twitter: mochimochimuuch
Instagram: hazukimochi_gt

Hazuki Facts:
– She is now a member of NEMOPHILA and Li-sa-X BAND.
– Her hobbies are making sweets and bread.
– She likes cats, fake glasses and watching movies.


Position: Drummer
Birthday: October 28, 1994
Twitter: risa_drums
Instagram: risa_drums
Facebook: risarisa.drums
Website: risarisa-drums.themedia.jp

– She was a member of DESTROSE.

Former Members:

Position: Vocalist
Birthday: January 8
Twitter: vocal_ibuki
Facebook: vocalIBUKI
Blog: IBUKI official blog / vo-ibuk (Old)
Website: vocal-ibuki.com

IBUKI Facts:
– She was born in Saitama, Japan.
– She debuted solo on November 22, 2017 with the single “Rise / We are No.1”.
– A couple of her favorite artists are Takanori Nishikawa, Abingdon Boys School, Hiroyuki Sawano, Mariah Carey, Aimer, Coldrain, Maki Ohguro, and Namie Amur.
– She was a member of CROSS VEIN, Around the Nation and Art of Gradation.
– She left the band on July 15, 2017.


Position: Bassist
Birthday: January 31
Twitter: mai_tsukahara

MAI Facts:
– She left on January 27, 2017 due to suffering from anxiety attacks.

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she/her | 15 | just writing about what I love most!