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CROWN POP Members Profile

CROWN POP Members Profile: CROWN POP Facts

CROWN POP (クラウンポップ), nicknamed Kurapo (クラポ), was a 5-member J-Pop idol girl group formed under Stardust Promotion on August 8, 2015. They were part of STAR PLANET. They disbanded on August 8, 2024, after a final concert for their 9th anniversary.

CROWN POP Official Accounts:
Twitter: @crownpop_staff
Ameba: sd-crownpop
YouTube: CROWN POP official channel
TikTok: crown_pop
ShowRoom: girls-stardust
Stardust Promotion Website: Crown Pop
Official Group Website: crownpop.com
Spotify: CROWN POP
Apple Music: CROWN POP

CROWN POP Members Profile:

Name: Rina (里菜/リナ)
Nickname: Rinaty (りなてぃー)
Birthday: June 18, 2000
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 166cm (5’5″)
Blood Type: O
Dance Speciality: Lock Dance
Twitter: rina18_stardust
Instagram: rina_crownpop
WithLive: 里菜

Rina Facts:
– She was born in Tokyo, Japan.
– She is the oldest member.
– Her special skills are table tennis, dance and the ability to fall asleep immediately.
– She can tap dance and is good at Japanese traditional dance.
– She was previously active in the entertainment industry under the name Riona Matsuda (松田りおな) as a child model and tarento.
– Her hobbies are listening to music and shopping.

Ibuki Mita

Name: Ibuki Mita (三田美吹/ミタイブキ)
Nickname: Ibu Ibu (いぶいぶ)
Birthday: July 19, 2000
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 159cm (5’2″)
Blood Type: O
Dance Speciality: Classic Ballet
Instagram: ibuki_crownpop
Blog:  mitaibuki Official Blog
ShowRoom: ibuki_crownpop

Ibuki Mita Facts:
– She was born in Chiba prefecture, Japan.
– She trained in classical ballet for 12 years.
– She likes watching J-Dramas and reading fashion magazines.
– She was chosen as Cinderella at ~Koyoi, Cinderella ga Kimaru~ in January 2020.

Airi Fujita

Name: Airi Fujita (藤田愛理/フジタアイリ)
Nickname: Aitan (あいたん)
Birthday: May 24, 2002
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 166cm (5’5″)
Blood Type: O
Dance Speciality: Hip-Hop
Twitter: airi524official
Instagram: airi_crownpop
ShowRoom: airi_crownpop
WithLive: 藤田 愛理

Airi Fujita Facts:
– She was born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.
– She joined Crown Pop in 2018 after winning an open audition held in 2017.
– She is good at dance, basketball and golf.
– Her hobbies are singing and remembering things.

Saho Tanaka

Name: Saho Tanaka (田中咲帆/タナカサホ)
Nickname: Sahorun (さほるん)
Birthday: January 9, 2003
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 155cm (5’1″)
Blood Type: A
Dance Speciality: Aerobics, Cheerleading
Twitter: tanakasaho_109
Instagram: saho_crownpop
ShowRoom: saho_crownpop

Saho Tanaka Facts:
– She was born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.
– She is good at dance, basketball and golf.
– Her hobbies are gaming, baking and video editing.
– She can play violin and guitar.
– She is the shortest member.

Mia Yuduki

Name: Mia Yuduki (雪月心愛/ユヅキミア)
Nickname: Miia (みぃあ)
Birthday: December 27, 2004
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 163cm (5’4″)
Blood Type: AB
Dance Speciality: Jazz
Instagram: mia_crownpop
ShowRoom: mia_crownpop
TikTok: miachandayooooo

Mia Yuduki Facts
– She was born in Saitama, Japan.
– She joined Crown Pop in 2018 after winning an open audition held in 2017.
– She likes watching movies, watching dramas, doing makeup and dressing up.
– She’s good at gymnastics.
– She is the youngest member of Crown Pop.

Former Members:
Kaori Yamamoto

Name: Kaori Yamamoto (山本花織)
Nickname: Kaorin (かおりん)
Birthday: November 7, 2000
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 155cm (5’1″)
Blood Type: O
Dance Speciality: Jazz, Hip-Hop

Kaori Yamamoto Facts:
– She left the group in 2020.
– She is an actress.
– She is from Chiba Prefecture, Japan.

Mitsuki Yamazaki

Name: Mitsuki Yamazaki (山崎美月)
Nickname: Michan (みっちゃん)
Birthday: August 17, 2001
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 161cm (5’3)
Blood Type: A

Mitsuki Yamazaki Facts:
– She is from Tokyo.
– She likes tennis and snowboarding.
– She was removed from Crayon Pop on June 29, 2017 with the only explanation being an “immoral act”.
– She entered university in 2020 and wants to get a job to fight poverty.
– She studied in Australia and is fluent in English.


Name: Honoka (歩乃圭)
Real Name: Kei Ayano / Yui Honoka (歩乃圭/ほのか 有泉)
Nickname: Hono (ほの)
Birthday: July 6, 2002
Nationality: Japanese
Blood Type: AB

Honoka Facts:
– She joined in 2016.
– She graduated on August 19 2017.

Ruka Okazaki

Name: Ruka Okazaki (岡崎瑠花)
Birthday: July 24, 2002
Nationality: Japanese

Ruka Okazaki Facts:
– She graduated on December 11th to study abroad.

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Profile made by robhoneys

Who is your favorite Crown Pop member?

Final Release:

Do you know more facts about CROWN POP? Did we get anything wrong? Feel free to comment below!

About the author


I'm an 18-year-old underrated girl group lover! Name a girl group, I probably keep up with them! I try to keep my profiles as updated as possible, please let me know if there's anything you wanted added to any of these profiles with a source and I'll add it ♥