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Circle Lychee Jukusei Members Profile

Circle Lychee Jukusei Members Profile

Circle Lychee Jukusei (サークルライチ塾生)
, also abbreviated as CL Jukusei, is a currently 6-member trainee group under Mercuro‘s agency. They are a part of the circle group Circle Lychee. The group consists of Koharu Coco, Tsuzuki Riru, Shisui Rua, Narumiya Miri, Yonagi Shio and Kozuki Yuui. They were  on September 24, 2024.

Group Name Meaning: Jukusei (塾生) means “students”.
Official Greeting: N/A

CL Jukusei Official Fandom Name: N/A
CL Jukusei Official Color: N/A

CL Jukusei Official Logo:

Official SNS:
X: @CLjukusei
TikTok: @cljukusei

Circle Lychee Jukusei Member Profile:
Koharu Coco

Stage Name: Koharu Coco (香遥ここ)
Birth Name: N/A
Position: N/A
Birthdate: March 11, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Height: 160cm (5’2″)
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Fairy Pink
Instagram: @ux_xu___ooooo
X: @ux_xu___oooOO
TikTok: @ux_xu___ooooo

Koharu Coco Facts:
– Her catchphrase is “Let’s fall in love here”.
– She previously worked at the maid cafe “Candy Land”.

Tsuzuki Riru

Stage Name: Tsuzuki Riru (津月りる)
Birth Name: N/A
Position: N/A
Birthdate: June 29
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Moe White
Instagram: @rwu7f
X: @rwu7f (Main) / @riruru_gotoku (Sub)
TikTok: @rwu7f

Tsuzuki Riru Facts:
– Her catchphrase is “Keep looking at me”.
– She previously worked at the concept cafe “Hana no Gotoku”.
– She appeared in Mercuro‘s music video for “Suicidose” as a ghost.

Shisui Rua

Stage Name: Shisui Rua (紫翠るあ)
Birth Name: N/A
Position: N/A
Birthdate: June 19
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Milky Purple
Instagram: @p_hc64
X: @p_hc64
TikTok: @puuu._.uuuq
YouTube: @るあ-t2v
Twitch: ruuuuachan

Shisui Rua Facts:
– Her catchphrase is “Sweet and sour with Rua”.
– She streams Valorant on Twitch.

Narumiya Miri

Stage Name: Narumiya Miri (成宮みり)
Birth Name: N/A
Position: N/A
Birthdate: April 5
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Chinese Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Baby Red
Instagram: @nyandayoo_o
X: @nyandayoo_o
TikTok: @nyandayoo_o

Narumiya Miri Facts:
– Her catchphrase is “Don’t leave me even a millimeter away”.
– She previously worked at a concept cafe under the name Ruunya (るぅにゃ).

Yonagi Shio

Stage Name: Yonagi Shio (夜凪しお)
Birth Name: N/A
Position: N/A
Birthdate: October 31
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: 164cm (5’4″)
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: N/A
Ethnicity: Japanese, Filipina, Spanish
Representative Color: Marine Blue
Instagram: @shio__1031
X: @ullsan4 (Main) / @itai__nayn (Sub)
TikTok: @shio___1031
YouTube: @siosan__1031
Twitch: sh14n3

Yonagi Shio Facts:
– Her catchphrase is “Are you a fan of Shio?”.
– She is a twitch streamer.

Kozuki Yuui

Stage Name: Kozuki Yuui (古月ゆうい)
Birth Name: N/A
Position: N/A
Birthdate: May 23
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Representative Color: Cosmic Blue
Instagram: @kozuki_yuui
X: @kozuki_yuui
TikTok: @kozukiyuui
Twitcasting: @dad_yuui

Kozuki Yuui Facts:
– She joined the group on December 4, 2024.
– She is from Kyoto, Japan.
– She is a former member of Fenomeno and DRAWS A DREAM.

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Made by sakayumedoll

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About the author


05 | she/they ✧˚ · .

☆ my jpop favs:
misolade edison, kamisama parade, mercuro, circle lychee

☆ my kpop favs:
loona, lunarsolar, tri.be, ily:1, illit, madein

pfp is suzushiro ramune from kamisama parade! :3