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Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu Discography

Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu Discography

Here’s a list of Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu official releases.
All available music videos are linked.

Dokkyun♡!! Shoujo (土っキュン♡!!少女)
1st/Debut single
Released on June 14, 2015
(Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

 Wakuwaku Edition

  1. Dokkyun♡!! Shoujo (土っキュン♡!!少女)
  2. Bokura no Mirai (僕らの未来)

DokiDoki Edition 

  1. Dokkyun♡!! Shoujo (土っキュン♡!!少女)
  2. Daiji Man☆Friends (大事マン☆フレンズ)


Kisetsu Hazure no Tokimeki♡Summer (季節外れのときめき♡サマー)
2nd single
Released on December 2, 2015
(Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

DokiDoki Edition

  1. Kisetsu Hazure no Tokimeki♡Summer (季節外れのときめき♡サマー)

DonDon Edition

  1. Kisetsu Hazure no Tokimeki♡Summer (季節外れのときめき♡サマー)
  2. Don’t Worry! (ドンウォーリー!)

PyonPyon Edition

  1. Kisetsu Hazure no Tokimeki♡Summer (季節外れのときめき♡サマー)
  2. Pyonpyon (ぴょんぴょん)

Tokikuri Edition

  1. Kisetsu Hazure no Tokimeki♡Summer (季節外れのときめき♡サマー)
  2. Santa-san….. ga Yattekonai! (サンタさん・・・・・がやってこない!)


Muteki no Uta (むてきのうた)
3rd single
Released on June 1, 2016
(Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

DokiDoki Edition

  1. Muteki no Uta (むてきのうた)

Lemon Edition

  1. Muteki no Uta (むてきのうた)
  2. Lemon Juice (レモンジュース)

Beauty Edition

  1. Muteki no Uta (むてきのうた)
  2. Beauty (ビューティー)

Orange Edition

  1. Muteki no Uta (むてきのうた)
  2. 100%♡Orange (100%♡オレンジ)


Ganba!! (ガンバ!!)
4th single
Released on November 9, 2016
(Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Limited DokiDoki Edition

  1. Ganba!! (ガンバ!!)

Seishun Edition

  1. Ganba!! (ガンバ!!)
  2. Seishun Anthem (青春アンセム)

Nandeshiko Edition

  1. Ganba!! (ガンバ!!)
  2. Iza, Yamato Nadeshiko (いざ、大和撫子)

Sekigae Edition

  1. Ganba!! (ガンバ!!)
  2. Sekigae no Uta (せきがえのうた)


Dododododreamer (どどどどどりーまー)
5th single
Released on June 7, 2017
(Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Limited DokiDoki Edition

  1. Dododododreamer (どどどどどりーまー)
  2. Fure! Fure! (フレ!フレ!

Caramel Edition

  1. Dododododreamer (どどどどどりーまー)
  2. Caramel (キャラメル)

Guska Edition

  1. Dododododreamer (どどどどどりーまー)
  2. Guska P (ぐーすかP)

Believe Edition

  1. Dododododreamer (どどどどどりーまー)
  2. Believe (びりーぶ)


6th single
Released on November 22, 2017
(Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Limited Big Edition

  2. Big☆Bang (ビッグ☆バン)

Hatsukoi Edition

  2. Hatsukoi Cycling (初恋サイクリング)

BanBan Edition


Truffle Edition 

  2. Chocolate Truffe


Tokiotome (ときおとめ)
1st full album
Released on April 11, 2018
(Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. Otome no Glorious (乙女のグロリアス)
  2. Ganba!! (ガンバ!!)
  3. Sonic Adventure (音速(ソニック)アドベンチャー)
  4. Dododododreamer (どどどどどりーまー)
  6. Tooku de Agaru Hanabi Futari Narande Miteta (遠くであがる花火 二人ならんで見てた)
  7. Princess Princess Princess (プリンセスプリンセスプリンセス)
  8. PaPiPoPi Pop Girl (PaPiPoPiポップガール)
  9. TRAP
  10. Ai ni Kichatta (あいにきちゃった)
  11. Kitakore! Morning (キタコレ!モーニング)
  12. Toumei Heart (トウメイ恋心(ハート))
  13. Suki! (すきっ!)
  15. Sonna Mainichi (そんな毎日)


Tokimeki♡Sendenbu no VICTORY STORY / Seishun Heart Shaker (ときめき♡宣伝部のVICTORY STORY / 青春ハートシェイカー)
7th single
Released on April 10, 2019
(Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Type A/B Edition

  1. Tokimeki♡Sendenbu no VICTORY STORY (ときめき♡宣伝部のVICTORY STORY)
  2. Seishun Heart Shaker (青春ハートシェイカー)

Type C Edition

  1. Tokimeki♡Sendenbu no VICTORY STORY (ときめき♡宣伝部のVICTORY STORY)
  2. Seishun Heart Shaker (青春ハートシェイカー)
  3. Donfiction

Type D Edition

  1. Tokimeki♡Sendenbu no VICTORY STORY (ときめき♡宣伝部のVICTORY STORY)
  2. Seishun Heart Shaker (青春ハートシェイカー)
  3. Kimi ni Muchuu Girl

Type E Edition

  1. Tokimeki♡Sendenbu no VICTORY STORY (ときめき♡宣伝部のVICTORY STORY)
  2. Seishun Heart Shaker (青春ハートシェイカー)
  3. Springood!


Koi no Shape Up♡ (恋のシェイプアップ♡)
8th single
Released on October 9. 2019
(Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Type A/B Edition

  1. Koi no Shape Up♡ (恋のシェイプアップ♡)
  2. Mousou Pool Date (妄想プールデート)

Type C Edition

  1. Koi no Shape Up♡ (恋のシェイプアップ♡)
  2. Jinsei Saikou no Melody (人生最幸のメロディ)

Type D Edition

  1. Koi no Shape Up♡ (恋のシェイプアップ♡)
  2. Ippou Tsuukou, Koi no Wana (一方通行、恋の罠)

Type E Edition

  1. Koi no Shape Up♡ (恋のシェイプアップ♡)
  2. Ei-Ei-Oh!


Tomorrow Saikyo Setsu!! (トゥモロー最強説!!)
9th single
Released on August 26. 2020
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Type A/B Edition 

  1. Tomorrow Saikyo Setsu!! (トゥモロー最強説!!)
  2. Koi no Jackal (恋のジャッカル)

Type C Edition

  1. Tomorrow Saikyo Setsu!! (トゥモロー最強説!!)
  2. Ichizu-iro no Bench (いちず色のベンチ)

Type D Edition

  1. Tomorrow Saikyo Setsu!! (トゥモロー最強説!!)
  2. Watashi, Number One Girl! (わたし、ナンバーワンガール!)


Tokimeki ga Subete (ときめきがすべて)
2nd album
Released on December 23, 2020
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. Tomorrow Saikyo Setsu!! (トゥモロー最強説!!)
  2. SHIBUYA TSUTAYA Mae de Machiawase ne! (SHIBUYA TSUTAYA前で待ち合わせね!)
  3. Endless (エンドレス)
  4. Koi no Shape Up♡~Cho ver~ (恋のシェイプアップ♡~超ver~)
  5. Lion Girl (ライオンガール)
  6. 7 Gatsu no Cider (7月のサイダー)
  7. Sakura Sansan (さくら燦々)
  8. Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu no VICTORY STORY (超ときめき♡宣伝部のVICTORY STORY)
  9. Otodoke! Delivery Star (お届け!デリバリースター)
  10. GAMUSHURA ~Cho ver~
  11. Ameagari (雨上がり)
  12. Seishun Heart Shaker ~Cho ver~(青春ハートシェイカー~超ver~)


Sukisukisukisukisukisukitsu~! (すきすきすきすきすきすきっ!)
1st mini album
Released on September 29, 2021
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. Suki! ~Cho ver~ (すきっ!~超ver~)
  2. Muteki no Uta~2021 ver~(むてきのうた~2021ver~)
  3. Ai Song! (愛Song!)
  4. Love Nano♡ (ラヴなのっ♡)
  5. Jankenpon (ジャンケンポン)
  6. Cho Step Up (超ステップアップ)
  7. Suki!~Cho ver~ instrumental
  8. Muteki no Uta~2021 ver~ instrumental
  9. Ai Song! instrumental
  10. Love Nano♡ instrumental
  11. Jankenpon instrumental
  12. Cho Step Up instrumental


Cupid in Love
10th single/1st digital single
Released on February 2, 2022
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. Cupid in Love


Heart Gyutto! (ハートギュッと!)
2nd mini album
Released on June 22, 2022
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. Gyutto! (ギュッと!)
  2. Cupid in Love
  3. Memories
  4. Kitto Standard (きっとスタンダード)
  5. Nandemo Iikara (なんでもいいから)
  6. Dear friend
  7. Gyutto! (instrumental)
  8. Cupid in Love (instrumental)
  9. Memories (instrumental)
  10. Kitto Standard (instrumental)
  11. Nandemo Iikara (instrumental)
  12. Dear friend (instrumental)


11th single
Released on November 9th, 2022
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Type A Edition

  1. STAR
  2. Wagamama Princess (わがままプリンセス)
  3. STAR (Instrumental)
  4. Wagamama Princess (わがままプリンセス) (Instrumental)

Type B Edition

  1. STAR
  2. Hop Step Jump LOVE (ホップステップジャンプLOVE)
  3. STAR (Instrumental)
  4. Hop Step Jump LOVE (ホップステップジャンプLOVE) (Instrumental)

mu-mo Shop Edition 

  1. STAR
  2. Wagamama Princess
  3. Hot Step Jump LOVE
  4. STAR (instrumental)
  5. Wagamama Princess (instrumental)
  6. Hot Step Jump LOVE (instrumental)


Zettai Dayo (ゼッタイだよ)
12th single/2nd digital single
Released on January 30, 2023
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. Zettai Dayo
  2. SUKI! English ver.
  3. SUKI! Korean ver.
  4. Zettai Dayo (Live at Nakano Sunplaza 2022/12/25)
  5. Zettai Dayo (Instrumental)


LOVE Iyaiyaki (LOVEイヤイヤ期)
13th single
Released on May 10, 2023
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Type A Edition

  1. LOVE Iyaiyaki (LOVEイヤイヤ期)
  2. Dokidoki (ドキドキ ドキドキ)
  3. Hirari Hirahira (ひらり ひらひら)
  4. Zettai Dayo (ゼッタイだよ)
  5. LOVE Iyaiyaki (Instrumental)
  6. Doki Doki (Instrumental)
  7. Hirari Hirahira (Instrumental)
  8. Zettai Dayo (Instrumental)

Type B Edition

  1. LOVE Iyaiyaki (LOVEイヤイヤ期)
  2. Dokidoki (ドキドキ ドキドキ)
  3. LOVE Iyaiyaki (Instrumental)
  4. Doki Doki (Instrumental)

Type C Edition

  1. LOVE Iyaiyaki (LOVEイヤイヤ期)
  2. Hirari Hirahira (ひらり ひらひら)
  3. LOVE Iyaiyaki (Instrumental)
  4. Hirari Hirahira (Instrumental)

Type D Edition

  1. LOVE Iyaiyaki (LOVEイヤイヤ期)
  2. Zettai Dayo (ゼッタイだよ)
  3. LOVE Iyaiyaki (Instrumental)
  4. Zettai Dayo (Instrumental)


Kawaii Memorial (かわいいメモリアル)
14th single
Released on September 27, 2023
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Type A Edition

  1. Kawaii Memorial (かわいいメモリアル)
  2. Motto Motto Mou Chotto (もっともっと もうちょっと)
  4. Kimi to Seishun (きみと青春)
  5. Kawaii Memorial (instrumental)
  6. WANTED (instrumental)
  7. Kimi to Seishun (instrumental)

Type B Edition

  1. Motto Motto Mou Chotto (もっともっと もうちょっと)
  2. Motto Motto Mou Chotto (instrumental)

Type C Edition

  2. WANTED (instrumental)

Type D Edition 

  1. Kimi to Seishun (きみと青春)
  2. Kimi to Seishun (instrumental)


15th single/3rd digital single
Released on November 13, 2023
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. Sora
  2. Sora (Instrumental)


Tokimeku Koi to Seishun (ときめく恋と青春)
3rd album
Released on January 24, 2024
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Type A (Koi Edition)

  1. Hapiraburū! (ハピラブルー!)
  2. Kawaii Memorial (かわいいメモリアル)
  3. Saijōkyū ni kawaī no! (最上級にかわいいの!)
  4. STAR
  5. Sora
  6. Dai, dai, dai suki ~tsu! (大、大、大すきっ!)
  7. LOVE Iyaiyaki (LOVE イヤイヤ期)
  8. Hapiraburū! (Instrumental)
  9. Saijōkyū ni kawaī no! (Instrumental)
  10. Dai, dai, dai suki ~tsu! Instrumental)

Type B (Seishun Edition)

  1. Hapiraburū! (ハピラブルー!)
  2. Kawaii Memorial (かわいいメモリアル)
  3. Kimi to sugosu hibi (君と過ごす日々)
  4. STAR
  5. Sora
  6. Yume ga tomaranai! (夢がとまらない!)
  7. LOVE Iyaiyaki (LOVE イヤイヤ期)
  8. Hapiraburū! (Instrumental)
  9. Kimi to sugosu hibi (Instrumental)
  10. Yume ga tomaranai! (Instrumental)

Type C (Regular Edition)

  1. Hapiraburū! (ハピラブルー!)
  2. Kawaii Memorial (かわいいメモリアル)
  3. Saijōkyū ni kawaī no! (最上級にかわいいの!)
  4. Kimi to sugosu hibi (君と過ごす日々)
  5. STAR
  6. Sora
  7. Dai, dai, dai suki ~tsu! (大、大、大すきっ!)
  8. Yume ga tomaranai! (夢がとまらない!)
  9. LOVE Iyaiyaki (LOVE イヤイヤ期)
  10. Ramirami (Instrumental)
  11. Hapiraburū! (Instrumental)
  12. Dai, dai, dai suki ~tsu! (Instrumental)
  13. Yume ga tomaranai! (Instrumental)

Type D (Chō Senden Edition)

  1. Hapiraburū! (ハピラブルー!)
  2. Kawaii Memorial (かわいいメモリアル)
  3. Saijōkyū ni kawaī no! (最上級にかわいいの!)
  4. Kimi to sugosu hibi (君と過ごす日々)
  5. Dai, dai, dai suki ~tsu! (大、大、大すきっ!)
  6. Yume ga tomaranai! (夢がとまらない!)
  7. Ramirami (ラミラミ)
  8. Yura Love (ユラグラブ)


Retry, Seishun! (リトライ、青春!)
16th single/4th digital single
Released on March 20, 2024
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. Retry, Seishun!
  2. Retry, Seishun! (Instrumental)


Saijoukyuu ni Kawaii no! (最上級にかわいいの!)
17th single
Released on May 29, 2024
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

Type A/B Edition

  1. Saijoukyuu ni Kawaii no! (最上級にかわいいの!)
  2. Shishishi! (ししし!)
  3. Tokimeki Party (ときめきパーティ)
  4. Retry, Seishun! (リトライ、青春!)
  5. Saijoukyuu ni Kawaii no! (Instrumental)
  6. Shishishi! (Instrumental)
  7. Tokimeki Party (Instrumental)
  8. Retry, Seishun! (Instrumental)

Type C Edition

  1. Saijoukyuu ni Kawaii no! (最上級にかわいいの!)
  2. Shishishi! (ししし!)
  3. Saijoukyuu ni Kawaii no! (Instrumental)
  4. Shishishi! (Instrumental)

Type D Edition 

  1. Saijoukyuu ni Kawaii no! (最上級にかわいいの!)
  2. Tokimeki Party (ときめきパーティ)
  3. Saijoukyuu ni Kawaii no! (Instrumental
  4. Tokimeki Party (Instrumental)

Type E Edition

  1. Saijoukyuu ni Kawaii no! (最上級にかわいいの!)
  2. Retry, Seishun! (リトライ、青春!)
  3. Saijoukyuu ni Kawaii no! (Instrumental)
  4. Retry, Seishun! (Instrumental)


I want to be happy for you (きみにとっての幸せになりたいの)
18th single/5th digital single
Released on July 16, 2024
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. きみにとっての幸せになりたいの
  2. きみにとっての幸せになりたいの (instrumental)

最上級にかわいいの! – From THE FIRST TAKE
19th single/6th digital single
Released on September 17, 2024
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. 最上級にかわいいの! – From THE FIRST TAKE

20th single/7th digital single
Released on September 24, 2024
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. プリンセスヒーロー
  2. プリンセスヒーロー – Instrumental

How about this kind of me? (こんなあたしはいかがですか?)
21st single/8th digital single
Released on October 1, 2024
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)


  1. こんなあたしはいかがですか?
  2. こんなあたしはいかがですか?- Instrumental

Tokimeki Rulebook (ときめきルールブック)
4th album
Released on December 4, 2024
(Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release)

  1. こんなあたしはいかがですか
  2.  発見!ポジティブ☆モンスター!!
  3.  ちょま
  4.  We Can Do It Now!
  5.  ときどきセンチメンタル
  6.  未完成ガール
  7.  下書きの恋
  8.  超最強
  9.  きみにとっての幸せになりたいの
  10.  プリンセスヒーロー
  11.  最上級にかわいいの!feat. コレサワ
What is your favorite Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu release?

Related: Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu Members Profile
“Tokimeku Koi to Seishun” (Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu) Album Info

Which are your favorite Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu releases? Feel free to comment down below! 🙂

About the author


Mostly j-pop posting, with some exceptions!!

if you need to ask/tell me anything feel free to DM me on twt! (@FAKEYGIRL)
that way I will be more likely to see it! :D

pfp: Akuta Tamaki