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Bonjour Suzuki Profile and Facts

Bonjour Suzuki Profile and Facts:

Bonjour Suzuki (ボンジュール鈴木)
is a Japanese singer-songwriter and music producer. She debuted on February 25, 2015 with the single “あの森で待ってる” 

Official SNS:
Website: bonjoursuzuki.com
Facebook: bonjoursuzuki
Instagram: @bonjoursuzuki
X: @bonjoursuzuki1
TikTok: @bonjour_suzuki
YouTube: BonjourSuzuki
Soundcloud: bonjour suzuki

Stage Name: Bonjour Suzuki (ボンジュール鈴木)
Nationality: Japanese

Bonjour Suzuki Facts:
– She has a ‘whisper-like’ voice.
– She is a cute, Lolita-like girl.
– She is a vocalist and sound producer who writes lyrics, arranges music, sings vocals, performs, and mixes music all by herself.
– She began playing classical piano at the age of 3.
– From an early age, she was exposed to a variety of music, mainly European music, and started composing.
– She weaves Japanese, French, and English, and plays fantastic and unique mysterious electro pop sounds intertwined with her sweet and addictive unique Lolita Whisper Voice
– Her whisper-like voice comes from when she studied abroad in France.
– She can play the piano and guitar.
– She is learning the koto and violin.
– She has a dog named “Buta”, and sometimes uses the dog’s barking in her songs.
– She is fluent in French, English, and Japanese.
– She has made many Anime opening songs.

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Made by: Candyiipop

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pfp: Akuta Tamaki