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BabyKingdom Members Profile

BabyKingdom Profile and Facts

BabyKingdom (ベイビーキングダム), sometimes shortened to Babykin (べびきん), is a four-member Visual Kei band under Abbey Music Factory. The band consists of Shogo, Shiki, Monyo and Toramaru. They debuted on May 11, 2013 with their first single is you.
The group originally debuted as WeZ (ウィズ). They changed their name to their current on March 24, 2016.

Group Name Meaning: N/A
Official Greeting: N/A
With each CD release, they change their musical expressions and costumes to create fun songs that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and genders

BabyKingdom Official Fandom Name: B-kids
Fandom Name Meaning: N/A
BabyKingdom Official Color: N/A

BabyKingdom Official Logo:

Official SNS:
Website: babykingdom.jp
Instagram: @babykingdom_mtp
X: @babykingdom_mtp
YouTube: べびきんハウスBabyKingdomofficial

BabyKingdom Member Profiles:

Stage Name: Shogo (咲吾)
Birth Name: N/A
Positions: Vocalist, lyricist, concept artist, designs goods and how the member outfits look
Birthdate: July 31, –
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: N/A
X: @bk_shogo

Shogo Facts:
– He is a founding member.
– He was born in Kyoto, Japan.
– He graduated from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha University.
– The first song he covered was Kobukuro’s “Koko ni shikakunaka hana” at an instrumental music concert in high school.
– Hobbies: watching anime, playing games
– Special Skills: mimicry, acrobatics
– He has taken swimming, basketball, kendo, and dance classes.
– He has worked at a pickle shop, apparel shop, call center, pachinko parlor, and mostly food and drink places for part-time jobs.
– Favorite movies/shows: Star Wars, My Hero Academia
– Motto: “I am innocent.” (天真爛漫です。)
– Things he feels are necessary other than food, clothing, and shelter: WiFi
– Strong subject (in school): Physical Education
– Weak subject (in school): History
– When he makes lyrics he wants them to be catchy and use words that are associated with the title of the song at the beginning of the chorus.
– A song he would recommend is Haikara.


Stage Name: Shiki (志記)
Birth Name: N/A
Positions: Guitar, Manipulator, Sound producer
Birthdate: September 21, –
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
X: @bk_shiki

Shiki Facts:
– He is a founding member.
– He was born in Kakogawa City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
– He graduated from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences, Doshisha University, and completed graduate studies at the same university
Monyo is his older brother.
Monyo is the reason he started playing guitar.
– The first song he covered was either “MISERY” by Hide or “Since I was a little girl” by Judy and Marie.
– Hobby: Cooking
– He has taken Soccer, piano, and Kumon Lessons.
– He used to be a private tutor.
– Favorite manga: BAKUMAN
– Motto: “Let’s do it tomorrow, you idiot” (明日やろうはバカ野郎 )
– Things he feels are necessary other than food, clothing, and shelter: Motivation
– Strong subject (in school): Science
– Weak subject (in school): History
– Favorite things: Wine, shochu, beer, jasmine tea, older brother


Stage Name: Monyo (もにょ)
Birth Name: Onishi Yoshitaka (おおにしよしたか)
Positions: Bassist, Leader, manager
Birthdate: May 23, 1988
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: B
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
X: @bk_monyo

Monyo Facts:
– He is a founding member.
– He was born in Kakogawa, Hyogo Prefecture.
– He graduated from Kakogawa Higashi High School
– He graduated from the Department of Intelligent Information Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Doshisha University, and then the Graduate School.
Shiki is his younger brother.
– He used to play soccer.
– He started playing bass because he got hurt playing soccer and needed something else to do.
– The first song he covered was Ken Hirai’s “Close Your Eyes” on piano.
– Hobbies: Watching anime and anime movies
– He has taken Soccer, piano, and Kumon Lessons.
– He used to work as a Tutor and website designer. He also worked at a wig shop.
– Favorite movies/manga/novel: Love Live, SAO, Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu, BanG Dream!
– Things he feels are necessary other than food, clothing, and shelter: Members
– Strong subject (in school): Math
– Weak subject (in school): Japanese


Stage Name: Toramaru (虎丸)
Birth Name: N/A
Positions: Drummer, Editor
Birthdate: October 20, –
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
X: @bk_toramaru

Toramaru Facts:
– He joined the band on July 24, 2016.
– He was born in Osaka, Japan.
– He graduated from Osaka University of Arts .
– The first song he covered was “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne.
– Hobbies: Air guitar while waiting for something
– He has taken Baseball, swimming, and calligraphy lessons.
– He used to work at a Curry shop, CafeBar, curry shop, and drums at a band karaoke shop.
– Favorite movie/novel/manga: Kubrick’s movies, Rumiko Takahashi’s Ranma 1/2 and Takashi Shiina’s GS Mishin as manga, and Ishin Nishio’s works as novels.
– Motto: Strength is power (力こそパワー)
– Things he feels are necessary other than food, clothing, and shelter: Curry
– Strong subject (in school): Japanese
– Weak subject (in school): Math
– A song he would recommend is “Kamachina!”.
– Favorite things: ARK ROYAL 18mg, MONSTER ENERGY, HR/HM, Rooibos Tea, Anime, Hard-boiled

Former Member:

Stage Name: Yuki
Birth Name: N/A
Position: Drummer
Birthdate: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese

Yuki Facts:
– He was a founding member.
– He graduated on January 18, 2013.

Former Support Members:
Picture not available 
Stage Name: N@deLU
Birth Name: N/A
Position: Support drums
Birthdate: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese

N@deLU Facts:
– He joined on February 9, 2016.
– He left on February 10, 2016.

Picture not available 
Stage Name: Hiko
Birth Name: N/A
Position: Support drums
Birthdate: August 22, –
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: B
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese

Hiko Facts:
– He joined May 13, 2016.
– He left July 24, 2016.
– He was born in Wakayama, Japan.

Note: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. Please do respect the time and effort the author put in compiling this profile. If you need/want to use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. Thanks a lot! 🙂 – Kprofiles.com

Made by: Candyiipop

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About the author


Mostly j-pop posting, with some exceptions!!

if you need to ask/tell me anything feel free to DM me on twt! (@FAKEYGIRL)
that way I will be more likely to see it! :D

pfp: Akuta Tamaki