Aseul Profile & Facts
Aseul (아슬), formerly known as Yukari (유카리), is a South Korean electropop producer, singer and songwriter. She debuted on December 21, 2012 with the album Echo. She released her first album under her current stage name, New Pop, on May 9, 2016.
Stage Name: Aseul (아슬)
Birth Name: Lee Aseul (이아슬)
Birthday: N/A
Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean
Facebook: Aseul 아슬
Twitter: Aseulmusic
Instagram: aseulmusic
YouTube: Aseul
Aseul Facts:
— She was born in Seoul, South Korea
— Education: Kyonggi University
— She began playing the piano at a young age
— She finds inspiration for her tracks from her every day, spontaneous feelings and experiences (such as feeling of void, loneliness and jealousy) rather than daydreams
— She was part of the female duo YukariXSam. However, they only produced a few songs
— She has a dog
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profile made by midgehitsthrice
(Special thanks to xoyolfiexo for the additional info)
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