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ambitious ambition Members Profile

ambitious ambition Facts and Profile

ambitious ambition (앰비셔스 앰비션) or aa crew is a multi creator crew under AXIS. The crew currently consist of 9 members: Hansol, Junegyo, Taeyong, Joe, Antonio, noa, Jinho, Teo and Dan.

ambitious ambition Official Accounts:
Twitter: @_aacrew
Instagram: @ambitious.ambition
Facebook: ambitious ambition
YouTube: ambitious ambition 

ambitious ambition Members Profile:

Stage Name: JUNEGYO (준교)
Real Name:
Position: Model, Actor
Birthday: November 28, –
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type:
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: aa_junegyo
YouTube: aa_junegyo

JUNEGYO facts:
– His ambition is “Being a good role model.”
– His searching is “inner and outer beauty.”
– He thought that forcing emotion was more difficult than hiding it.
– His number is 007.
– He is the second revealed member.
– He started his activities in 2021 officially.
– He likes achromatic colors like gray, white or black.
– He likes eating chicken.
– He’s one of the original members of the crew.
– He wants to appear in Hollywood.
– He made his acting debut with his role in the web-drama, Semantic Error.
– He is one of the members of aa athlete club.


Stage Name: Hansol (한솔), formerly known as elan (일란) and Hans (한스)
Real Name:
Position: DJ, Producer, Actor
Zodiac Sign:
Blood Type:
Nationality: Korean
YouTube: aa_hansol
Instagram: aa_hansol

Hansol facts:
– His ambition is “Enjoying life through musical empathy.” (elan), “Spreading social positivity”. (Hans)
– His searching is “Magnetic and reflective.” (elan), “Emphatic, passionate and curious” (Hans)
– “May the force be with you.” (elan),  “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frighten us. You playing small does not serve the world.” (Hans)
– His number is 011 (elan), 021 (Hans)
– He is the fourth (elan), fifth (Hans) revealed member.
– He debuted with a single album called “BE” in 2019.
– The name ‘elan’ at its core embodies energy and confidence.
– He was born and lived in Canada for many years.
– He would be a soccer player, soccer coach or physical education trainer if he wasn’t a part of the crew.
– Although he is fully Korean, his Korean is not that good.
– He often makes others laugh.
– He is good at sports and playing games.
– He want to perform in Coachella and ULTRA. (NYLON Japan Interview)
– His biggest goal is making a dome tour. (NYLON Japan Interview)
– He loves cleaning. (NYLON Japan Interview)
– He was a former YG trainee.
– He changed his stage name from elan to Hansol.
– He went an international school in India when he was 12 years old.
– He auditioned S2O Music Festival.
– He was played 2 members in ambitious ambition at the beginning, Hans and elan but he’s now only Hansol, a mix of Hans and elan.
– He is one of the members of aa athlete club.


Stage Name: noa (노아)
Real Name:
Position: Model
Zodiac Sign:
Blood Type:
Nationality: Korean

noa facts:
– He introduced as a member of AA in July, 2021.
– He grew up Vancouver, Canada with Elan.
– His aggressive tendency that comes out when he competes is unstoppable.


Stage Name: Dan (댄)
Real Name: Lee Kyumin (이규민)
Position: Model
Birthday: 2004
Zodiac Sign:
Blood Type:
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: aa___dan
YouTube: 규날gyuday

Dan facts:
– He introduced as a member of AA in August 2021.
– His favorite shoe brand is VANS.
– He is a student in Hannam.
– He is fluent in English.
– He can’t live without reading books.
– He was known as Daniel when he was a child.
– He went Canada to study when he was 12 years old.
– He can play guitar.
– He is one of the members of aa athlete club.


Stage Name: Taeyong (태용)
Real Name:
Position: Model, YouTuber, Instagrammer
Birthday: 1996
Zodiac Sign:
Blood Type:
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: taeebal

Taeyong facts:
– He’s also known as “Captain of Swim”
– He introduced as a member of AA in August 2021.
– He likes NIKE products.
– He likes eating meat.


Stage Name: Joe (조)
Real Name: Jo Jonghyun (조정현)
Position: Model
Zodiac Sign:
Blood Type:
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: joejeonghyeon

Joe facts:
– He introduced as a member of AA in August 2021.


Stage Name: Antonio (안토니오)
Real Name: Lee Yong (이용)
Position: Model
Zodiac Sign:
Blood Type:
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: young___yong

Antonio facts:
– He introduced as a member of AA in September, 2021.


Stage Name: Jinho (진호)
Birth Name: Lee Jinho (이진호)
Birthday: October 25, –
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Position: Actor
Blood Type:
Instagram: aa_jinho

Jinho Facts:
– He is one of the members of aa athlete club.


Stage Name: Teo (테오)
Birth Name:
Zodiac Sign:
Position: Actor, Model
Blood Type:
Instagram: aa____teo

Teo Facts:
– He is the latest member who joined the crew.

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24yo | leo | tr/eng
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