Aisaki Youre (Mercuro) Profile and Facts
Aisaki Youre (藍咲ユウリ) is a Japanese singer and a member of the girl group Mercuro that debuted on June 24, 2022.
Official SNS:
Instagram: @aiskyoure
X: @AiskYouRe / @aiskyourefmn
TikTok: @aiskyoure
Stage Name: Aisaki Youre (藍咲ユウリ)
Birth Name: N/A
Birthdate: June 10
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 152 cm (4’11″)
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Japanese
Youre Facts:
– She is a founding member of Mercuro.
– Her member number in Mercuro is 6.
– She was born in Kumamoto, Japan.
– She was formerly a member of Uchouten Trigger until graduating in December 2021.
– She was a former member of PLUMAGE. She graduated on December 30, 2021.
– She studied child welfare at university.
– She previously worked at a concept cafe.
– She enjoys streaming.
– She’s good at eating a lot.
– She likes Chainsaw Man.
– As a kid she liked standing out
– Her family name, Aisaki (藍咲), can be translated to “Indigo Blossom”.
– After each live show she tweets the setlist.
– In school, she was in the student council.
– In high school she was a “ghost member” of the art club.
– In middle school she was a member of the brass band where she played percussion.
– She feels her role in mercuro is akin to that of a student council presidents.
– As a kid she wanted to be an illustrator or an idol.
– She wrote the lyrics to Galatia’s “Kazoeuta” and Mercuros’s “Hankouseimei”.
– Her favorite season is summer.
– She is allergic to cats bet they are her favorite animal.
– Her favorite foods are omurice, famichiki chicken, egg roll sushi, salmon sushi, hamburgers, framboise macarons, florentine and ramyeon.
– Favorite drinks: cream soda, ice cocoa, ZONe and MONSTER(Mango Loco flavor)
– Favorite alcoholic drinks: gin and tonic, akazake and kitty cocktails
– Her favorite color is blue.
– Her favorite Mercuro song is “ZetsubouSekai”.
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Made by: Candyiipop
Mercuro Members Profile
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