Who is the best dancer in æspa?
Note: This poll is not to rate any members based on looks or popularity, just to express your preference. Do not bash anyone.
made by giz
Who is the best dancer in æspa? Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Karina 54%, 23924 votes
23924 votes 54%
23924 votes - 54% of all votes
Winter 30%, 13001 vote
13001 vote 30%
13001 vote - 30% of all votes
Ningning 10%, 4251 vote
4251 vote 10%
4251 vote - 10% of all votes
Giselle 6%, 2763 votes
2763 votes 6%
2763 votes - 6% of all votes
Total Votes: 43939
Voters: 36869
January 7, 2021
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Related: æspa Profile
Who do you think is the best dancer in æspa? Feel free to comment down below!