Home » Kpop Albums » 82MAJOR “BEAT by 82” Album Info

82MAJOR “BEAT by 82” Album Info

“BEAT by 82” Album Info

BEAT by 82 is the first mini album by 82MAJOR, released on April 29th, 2024. The album features 4 tracks, with “족 (Choke)” serving as the title track.

Album Intro:
The title track ‘Choke’ is a song with a minimal sound background that allows the focus to be on the members’ smooth rap and vocals. Especially in the addictive chorus, it cleverly presents language play with ‘촉’ and ‘Choke’, doubling the fun of listening. ‘Birthday’ is a song where the members’ sweet voices and melodies shine, showcasing their diverse musical spectrum. ‘Illegal’ was released before debut and was included in this album with new verses due to continuous requests from fans for an official release. ’82’ is a song composed solely of the members’ original rap, captivating music fans perfectly with lyrics and beats that encapsulate their identity.

타이틀 곡 ‘촉(Choke)’은 미니멀한 사운드를 배경으로 멤버들의 유려한 랩과 보컬에 집중할 수 있는 곡이다. 특히 중독성 있는 후렴구에서 ‘촉’과 ‘Choke’으로 재치있는 언어유희를 선보이며 듣는 재미를 배로 선사한다. ‘Birthday’는 멤버들의 감미로운 보이스와 멜로디가 돋보이는 곡으로 이들의 다양한 음악적 스펙트럼을 보여준다. ‘Illegal’은 데뷔 전 공개한 곡으로 팬들의 지속적인 정식 발매 요청으로 새로운 벌스와 함께 이번 앨범에 수록되었다. ’82’는 멤버들의 자작랩으로만 이루어진 곡으로 이들의 정체성을 담은 가사와 비트가 음악팬들을 완벽히 매료시킨다.

Artist: 82MAJOR
Release Date: April 29, 2024, 6PM KST
Length: 12 minutes, 9 seconds
Genre: Pop
Type: Mini Album/Extended Play
Label: Great M Entertainment
Writers: MILLIC, IOAH, XINSAYNE, JP, gyuahh, 남성모, 윤예찬, Charles Roberts Nelsen, Cimo Frankel, Kyle Buckley, Samantha Kay Bruno, 라이언전, 문수진, 오유원, 황성빈, 박석준, 조성일, 김도균, 조성일, QM
Composers: MILLIC, IOAH, XINSAYNE, JP, gyuahh, Charles Roberts Nelsen, Cimo Frankel, Kyle Buckley, Samantha Kay Bruno, 라이언전, Konquest, Roydo, 남성모, 황성빈 HOLYDAY, QM, ODEE
Arrangers: MILLIC, IOAH, 박예찬, Pink Slip, Inverness, 라이언전, Konquest, HOLYDAY

Track List:
1. Choke
2. Birthday
3. Illegal
4. 82

BEAT by 82 (ㄱㄴㄷ Spoiler)
BEAT by 82 (Highlight Medley)
Choke: Nam Seong Mo (MV Teaser #1)
Choke: Park Seok Joon (MV Teaser #1)
Choke: Yoon Ye Chan (MV Teaser #1)
Choke: Cho Seong Il (MV Teaser #1)
Choke: Hwang Seong Bin (MV Teaser #1)
Choke: Kim Do Gyun (MV Teaser #1)
Choke (MV Teaser #2)
Choke (Official MV)

Made by: Amaryllis

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About the author


Author/Editor since February 2024. I go by she/her. 22 years old. Should you have any concerns, reach out to me via amaryllisfe@gmail.com, or on Discord: amaryllisfe. Thanks!