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2Whist Members Profile and Facts

2Whist Members Profile and Facts

2Whist was an independent girl group. The group’s final line-up consisted of Fina and Zihwei. They debuted on June 6th, 2021 with the digital single My Inspiration. Following SETL Entertainment becoming a music-focused label on September 30th 2022, the label announced they would no longer be managing 2Whist. The group later disbanded on March 15, 2023, however, it was noted that the members may go to events together under the name if they feel like it.

2Whist Fandom Name: –
2Whist Official Fan Colors: –

2Whist Official Logo:

Official SNS:
Facebook: 2whist
Youtube: 2whist
Spotify: 2Whist
Apple Music: 2Whist

2Whist Members Profile and Facts:

Stage Name: Fina (ฟีน่า)
Birth Name: Thawanrat Atiwichsakul (ธวัลรัตน์ อติวิชญ์สกุล)
Position: N/A
Birthday: June 23, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 158 cm (5’2″)
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: Bangkok, Thailand
Instagram: @fina_notkidcatt
Facebook: Fina Thawanrat Atiwichsakul
YouTube: notkidcatt TA.

Fina Facts:
– Her member colour was white.
– Her image fruit was plum.
– She was a member of the duo XLN with Zihwei, which was also under SETL Ent.
– Her MBTI type is ENTJ.


Stage Name: Zihwei (จื่อเวย), Chen Zih Wei (เฉิน จื่อเวย)
Birth Name: Phawaran Chen (ภวรัญชน์ เฉิน)
Position: N/A
Birthday: November 12, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: Chonburi, Thailand

Zihwei Facts:
– Her member colour was red.
– Her image fruit is cherry.
– She was a member of the duo XLN with Fina, which was also under SETL Ent.
– Her MBTI type is INFJ.
– She is Thai-Taiwanese.
–  She was set to graduate in May to study abroad.

Former Members:

Stage Name: Popeye (ป๊อปอาย)
Birth Name: Patamaporn Jarupathirun (ปฐมาพร จารุพัฒน์หิรัญ)
Position: N/A
Birthday: August 16, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Birthplace: Bangkok, Thailand
Instagram: @popeye_popp
Facebook: Patama Jaru
TikTok: @popeyepipopapo

Popeye Facts:
– She is also a former member of Florizta.
– Her member colour in 2Whist was purple.
– Her representative flower in 2Whist was wisteria, and in Florizta it was hydrangea.
– She chose to graduate from 2Whist because of almost graduating from university with a bachelor’s degree and starting a new job.
– Education: Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Triam Udom Suksa Nomklao School.
– She graduated from 2Whist on June 30th, 2021, and from Florizta on November 20th, 2019.


Stage Name: Baifern (ใบเฟิร์น)
Birth Name: Paphassorn Pinyolaphaschok
Position: N/A
Birthday: September 29, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 158 cm (5’2″)
Weight: 43 kg (94 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: N/A
Instagram: @b.bxxfern_

Baifern Facts:
– Her member colour was pink.
– Her image fruit was strawberry.
– Her representative flower was fragaria.
– She likes to eat daifuku.
– She left the group following her contract expiring on September 30. Her graduation stage was held on September 25.


Stage Name: Alice (อลิส)
Birth Name: N/A
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: October 11, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 154 cm (5’0″)
Weight: 40 kg (88 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Birthplace: N/A
Instagram: @alice.miraimirai
Twitter: @alicemiraimirai
TikTok: @alice.miraimirai
Facebook: Alice Mirai Mirai「アリス」

Alice Facts:
– Her member colour was yellow.
– Her image fruit was lemon.
– She joined 2Whist on July 1st, 2021.
– She likes singing and eating sweets.
– She loves cats.
– She graduated sometime in March.
– She is now a member of the group Mirai Mirai.

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made by cutieyoomei

Credits to: T-Pop Wiki

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