SKE48 Team S Members Profile; SKE48 Team S Members Facts
SKE48 Team S is the first group in SKE48 based in Sakae district in Nagoya of Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The group is under Avex Group with a total of 15 members.
SKE48 Official Color: Orange
SKE48 Team S Fandom:
Matsumoto Chikako
Nickname: Chikako (ちかこ)
Birth Name: Matsumoto Chikako (松本慈子)
Position: Co-Captain, Vocalist
Birthday: November 19, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: (161 cm) 5’3
Blood Type: O
Generation: 1st Generation Draft Members
Twitter: chikako_1119
Instagram: chikako_1119
7gogo: 松本慈子
Blog: 松本慈子
Matsumoto Chikako Facts:
-She was born in Osaka, Japan
-She is under AKS
-She joined on September 22, 2013 through the AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2013 Finalist
-She was drafted into Team S on November 10, 2013
-She then was promoted to Team S on February 24, 2014
-She originally was appointed as Team S’s Co-Leader from March 4, 2016 till February 26, 2017 after the current leader at the time, Yakata Miki, graduated with Matsumoto being replaced by Inuzuka Asana before being appointed back as the co-leader on February 8, 2019
-Team S’s first and only choice at the draft
-She aspires to be like Maeda Atsuko
-Biggest Dream: Becoming a world class idol
-Favorite Food: Toffee Apples
-Favorite Subjects: English and Physical Education
-Hobbies: Walking and watching movies
-Special Skills: Exercising, diving, and Kendo
-Favorite Word: Ichi-go, Ichi-e (One time, one meeting)
-Light Stick Colors: Pink and Orange
-She admires Kizaki Yuria
-She is good at sports, especially dodge ball
-She is close friends with fellow member, Goto Risako
Ishiguro Yuzuki
Nickname: Yuzu (ゆづ)
Birth Name: Ishiguro Yuzuki (石黒友月)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: October 11, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 147 cm (4’9)
Blood Type: AB
Generation: 8th Generation
Twitter: Yuzuki_ishiguro
Instagram: yuduyu1011
Blog: 石黒友月
Ishiguro Yuzuki Facts:
-She was born in Aichi, Japan
-She is under AKS
-She joined SKE48 on November 19, 2016 as a kenkyusuei on November 19, 2016
-She was promoted to Team S on September 16, 2018
-Hobbies: Reading and Baking bread
-Special Skills: Short Distance Running
-Future Ambition: Being a model or an announcer
-Admired Member: Matsui Jurina
-Favorite Food: Strawberries, gunmi and oranges
-Favorite Words: It will always be rewarded if you try
-Message to Fans “I will try my best to make you smile with my glitter smile, so please support me!”
Inoue Ruka
Nickname: Ruuchan (るーちゃん)
Birth Name: Inoue Ruka (井上瑠夏)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: June 12, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 156 cm (5’1)
Blood Type: O
Generation: AKB48 Group Draft Finalist/2nd Generation Draft Members
Twitter: Inoueruka_48
Instagram: ruka_inoue48
7gogo: 井上瑠夏
Blog: 井上瑠夏
Inoue Ruka Facts:
-She was born in Kumamoto, Japan
-She is under AKS
-On March 1, 2015, she shifted to being a AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2015 Finalist
-On November 19, 2016, she became a kenkyuusei for SKE48
-On October 5, 2017, she was promoted to Team S
-Strengths: Not giving up, Bright personality, Helpful, Likes to make people laugh
-Weakness: Getting in a bad mood when she is tired
-Hobbies: Singing and Dancing
-Special Skills: Unicycle and Piano
-She’s a dog person
-Admires: Tanaka Miku, Kodama Haruka, Sashihara Rino, Matsui Jurina, and Kitagawa Ryoha
-She wasn’t selected at the AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2015
-She failed AKB48 Team 8’s auditions
Otani Yuki
Nickname: Yuuyu (ゆうゆ)
Birth Name: Otani Yuki (大谷悠妃)
Birthday: July 29, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 150 cm (4’9)
Blood Type: A
Generation: Draft 3rd Generation
Twitter: SKE48_yuuki
Instagram: ske48_yuuki
Blog: 大谷悠妃
Otani Yuki Facts:
-She was born in Aichi, Japan
-She is under AKS
-She joined the 2017 Member Draft Pool on November 11, 2017
-She was drafted into SKE48 Team S on January 21, 2018
-She was promoted to Team S on September 16, 2018
-Pros: Can be matched with anyone
-Cons: Indecision
-Hobbies: Watching YouTube
-Special Talent: Hula Hoop
-Admires: Matsui Jurina
-She was the first choice for SKE48 at the Draft and Team S 2nd choice
Kamimura Ayuka
Nickname: Aachan (あーちゃん)
Birth Name: Kamimura Ayuka (上村亜柚香)
Birthday: January 27, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 155.5 cm (5’1)
Blood Type: A
Generation: 2nd Generation Draft Members
Twitter: @ayuka_k0127
Instagram: kamimuraayuka
7gogo: 上村亜柚香
Blog: 上村亜柚香
Kamimura Ayuka Facts:
-She was born in Aichi, Japan
-She is under Zest Inc.
-She joined the AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2015 as a finalist on March 1, 2015
-She was drafted to Team S on May 10, 2015
-She was promoted to Team S on November 20, 2016
-Pros: Full of curiosity and bright
-Cons: Careless and indecisive
-Hobbies: Copying choreography and dancing
-Special Talent: Flexibility
-Dogs or Cats?: Dogs
-Favorite Food: Pickled plum and vinegar octopus
-Favorite Word(s): It’s only a step, but it surely is a step
-Light Stick Colors: Orange and yellow-ish green
-She wants to become a model in the future
-Admires: Suda Akari
Kitagawa Yoshino
Nickname: Yokonyan (よこにゃん)
Birth Name: Kitagawa Yoshino (北川愛乃)
Birthday: January 24, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 158 cm (5’2)
Blood Type: O
Generation: 8th Generation
Twitter: kitagawa_yosino
Instagram: kitagawayoshino
7gogo: 北川愛乃
Blog: 北川愛乃
Kitagawa Yoshino Facts:
-She was born in Osaka, Japan
-She is under Zest Inc.
-She joined SKE48 as a kenkyuusei on November 19, 2016
-She was promoted to Team S on October 5, 2017
-Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, and Cosplaying
-Admired Members: Matsui Rena
-Favorite Food: Omelette and fruit
-Favorite Word(s): Effort is always rewarded
-Special Skills: Dancing, Acting and Nunchaku
-Future Ambition: Actress
-She was a former member of Gekidan SOLA (劇団SOLA)
-The first SKE48 8th generation member to preform as an under in a team stage and the first 8th Generation member to preform with all three sub-units
-She played Yansae Mai for “Toji no Miko”, a stage play
Sakamoto Marin
Nickname: Marin (まりん)
Birth Name: Sakamoto Marin (坂本真凛)
Birthday: February 2, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 160 cm (5’3)
Blood Type: B
Generation: 8th Generation
Twitter: marin_ske48
Instagram: marin_ske48
7gogo: 坂本真凛
Blog: 坂本真凛
Sakamoto Marin Facts:
-She was born in Aichi, Japan
-She is under Zest Inc.
-She joined SKE48 as a kenkyuusei on November 19, 2016
-She was promoted to Team S on April 28, 2018
-Hobbies: Doing a ‘delicious meal tour’
-Special Skill: Calligraphy and short distance running
-Future Ambition: Becoming a person who can make many people smile
-Admired Members: Noguchi Yume, she gave flowers to her when she graduated
-Favorite Food: Sashimi Noodles, Rice Balls, Pork Juice, strawberries, eel, and snapper
-Favorite Word(s): I did it!
Tuzuki Rika
Nickname: Rikachuu (りかちゅう), Piyosu (ぴよす)
Birth Name: Tsuzuki Rika (都築里佳)
Birthday: November 8, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 154 cm (5’1)
Blood Type: O
Generation: 4th Generation
Twitter: piyosuuuuu
Instagram: piyosuuuuu
7gogo: 都築里佳
Blog: 都築里佳
Tuzuki Rika Facts:
-She was born in Aichi, Japan
-She is under AKS and Pythagoras
-She joined SKE48 on September 29, 2010
-She was promoted to Team E on December 6, 2010
-She was transferred to Team S on April 13, 2013
-Hobbies: Karaoke, Dancing, and Geek Talk
-Favorite Food: Grapes, Noodles, Negitoro bowl, dishes with shunu noodles, and Dandan noodles
-Favorite Phrases: Positive!! and The things called miracles are born from your own power
-Special Skills: Dance Skills, Flexibility, Taking cute pictures of other members
-Future Ambition: Voice Actor, Theatre Actress and artist
-Light Stick Colors: Peppermint green and blue
-She’s the Leader of the Art Club and the Drama Club
-Rika sits silently with Shibata Aya during meals to keep her company even though Aya likes being alone
-She was a part of “B”eeps
Nakamura Izumi
Nickname: Izurin (いずりん)
Birth Name: Nakamura Izumi (仲村和泉)
Birthday: March 15, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 154 cm (5’0″)
Blood Type: A
Generation: 8th Generation SKE48
Twitter: izurin_ske48
Instagram: izurin_0315
7gogo: 仲村 和泉
Blog: 仲村 和泉
Nakamura Izumi Facts:
-She was born in Osaka, Japan
-She is under Zest. Inc and AKS
-She joined SKE48 as a kenkyuusei on November 19, 2016
-She was promoted to Team S on April 28, 2018
-Hobbies: Watching Mukbangs, Listening to Music, and Sleeping
-Special Skill: Playing the Trumpet, Making Balloon Art, Roughly understands calories for food (?)
-Future Ambition: Multi Talented
-Admired Member: Matsui Jurina, Kamata Natsuki, Shimazaki Haruka, Shiroma Miru
-Favorite Food: Corn and Green Apples
-Favorite Words: Do not loose feeling
-She was a NMB48 5th generation candidate but didn’t make it
Nomura Miyo
Nickname: Miyomaru (みよまる)
Birth Name: Nomura Miyo (野村実代)
Birthday: February 1, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 168 cm (5’6)
Blood Type: A
Generation: 8th Generation SKE48/2nd Generation Draft Members
Instagram: miyomaruko_0201
7gogo: 野村実代
Blog: 野村実代
Nomura Miyo Facts:
-She was born in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
-She is under AKS and Zest Inc.
-She shifted into being a AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2015 on March 1, 2015
-She became a SKE48 kenkyuusei on November 19, 2016
-She was promoted to Team S on October 5, 2017
-Pros: Hardwork and positive
-Cons: Crybaby
-Hobbies: Playing on the computer, Games, and playing with her cat
-Special Talent: Basketball, Funny Faces, and winking
-Dogs or Cats?: Cats
-Future Ambition: Model, Talent, and an Actress
-Admires: Ogasawara Mayu and Azuma Rion
-Favorite Food: Natto Dumplings and Gummies
-Her sister is Nomura Nao
-She wasn’t select but later joined as an 8th Generation
Graduated Members:
Kitagawa Ryoha
Nickname: Uha (うは)/Ryouha (りょうは)
Birth Name: Kitagawa Ryoha (北川綾巴)
Position: Captain, Vocalist
Birthday: October 9, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 160 cm (5’3)
Blood Type: B
Generation: 6th Generation AKB48
Twitter: ryoha_1009
Instagram: ryoha1009
7gogo: 北川綾巴
Blog: 北川綾巴
Kitagawa Ryoha Facts:
-She was born in Aichi, Japan
-She is under AKS and Pythagoras
-She joined SKE48 in February 28, 2013 as a kenkyuusei (Trainee)
-She was promoted to Team S on February 24, 2014
-She had a Kennin (Hold dual membership positions in two different groups and two different teams) position in AKB48 Team 4 on March 26, 2015 but canceled it on December 8, 2017
-Hobbies: Sleeping, pulling pranks, and eating delicious food.
-Special Skills: Sleeping Anywhere
-Favorite Animal: Dog (Toy Poodle specifically)
-Favorite Colors: Pink and Purple
-Favorite Food: Ice cram and Yogurt
-Favorite Word: Ice cream/Aisu (アイス)
-Favorite Flowers: Pink Flowers, such as Cherry Blossoms
-Light Stick Colors: 2 pink and 1 purple
-Future Ambition: Model
-Known for being a huge fan of Miyazawa Sae fan
-She was in the stage play of ‘Toji No Miko’ (2018) as Origami Yukari
Matsui Jurina
Nickname: Jurina (じゅりな)
Birth Name: Matsui Jurina (松井珠理奈)
Birthday: March 8, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 163 cm (5’4)
Blood Type: B
Generation: 1st Generation SKE48
Twitter: JURINA38G
Instagram: jurinamatsui3
7gogo: 松井珠理奈
Blog: 松井珠理奈
Weibo: SKE48_松井珠理奈
Matsui Jurina Facts:
-She was born in Kasugai, Aichi, Japan
-She is under AKS and Irving
-Label: Kings Records
-She joined SKE48 on July 30, 2008
-She formed Team S on October 5, 2008
-She had a concurrent position in AKB48’s Team K on March 24, 2012 threw October 21, 2015
-Hobbies: Dancing and Cooking
-Favorite Food: Meat and her mother’s meat sauce spaghetti
-Least Favorite Food: Anything Spicy
-Favorite Movie: Dragon Ball Z
-Favorite Phrases: Don’t compare yourself to others, you are yourself., The best mood., I loove you!
-Favorite Smell: Citrus
-Special Skills: 100m run (In about 14 seconds), Animal sound impressions, and pulling table cloth
-She’s good friends with Ishida Anna
-Light Stick Colors: Orang and Green
-She’s a member of the unofficial SKE48 SD fan club
-Matsui Rena and her were the centers of SKE48 and were often called WMatsui
-Takayanagi Akane and her are called JuriChuri
-She often makes puns on TV and when she MCs, both of her catchphrases involve puns
-On the cover of AKB48’s single ‘Oogoue Diamond’, she is photographed shouting “Mariko-sama!”
-She’s afraid of haunted houses
-She’s an only child
-Many say she looks like her mother
-She travels and sleeps with a large brown pillow called “Brown-Mama”
-She has been praised for having a small belly button, especially by her members
-As of November or 2018, she holds the record for most appearances in Senbatsu of 48/46 groups with a total of 65 A-side appearances across all groups
Sugiyama Aika
Nickname: Aiai (あいあい)
Birth Name: Sugiyama Aika (杉山愛佳)
Birthday: March 5, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 151 cm (4’10)
Blood Type: B
Generation: 7th Generation
Twitter: sugiyama_aika
Instagram: sugiyama_aika
7gogo: 杉山愛佳
Blog: 杉山愛佳
Sugiyama Aika Facts:
-She was born in Aichi, Japan
-She is under AKS
-She joined AKB48 as a kenkyuusei on March 15, 2015
-She was promoted to Team S on November 28, 2015
-Hobbies: Sleeping and karaoke and taking long baths
-Favorite SKE48 Members: Matsui Jurina, Furukawa Airi, Saito Makiko, and Miyamae Ami
-Favorite 48G Song: Enkyori Poster
-Favorite Animal: Dogs (Dachschund)
-Favorite Color: Pink
-Favorite Food: Grapes, Kiwi Fruit, and Cucumber
-Favorite Phrase: Practice Makes Perfect
-Special Skills: Dancing and Percussion
-Future Ambition: Becoming a top idol
-Light Stick Colors: Red, Green, and Dark Pink
-She loves the Song ‘Escape’ by AKB48 and hopes to preform it
-She has an unofficial tag with Murai Junna which is JunAi, meaning pure love
-She is part of the un official Team Heart with Obata Yuna and Ota Ayaka
-Many refer to her as the 7th Generation Dance Leader
-She was the only 7th Generation member to be included in “Takagi Yumana Presents/Instrumental Dance” during Matsui Rena SKE48 Graduation Concert in Tokyo Stadium
Yamauchi Suzuran
Nickname: Ranran (らんらん)
Birth Name: Yamauchi Suzuran (山内鈴蘭)
Birthday: December 8, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 153.5 cm (5’0)
Blood Type: O
Generation: 9th Generation AKB48
Twitter: suzuranchan1208
Instagram: xxsuzuranxx
7gogo: 山内鈴蘭
Blog: 山内鈴蘭
Yamauchi Suzuran Facts:
-She was born in Chiba, Japan
-She is under AKS and HoriPro
-She joined AKB48 in September of 2009 as a kenkyuusei
-She was promoted to Team Unknown (Undecided) on December 8, 2010
-On June 6, 2011, she was transferred to AKB48 Team 4
-On August 24, 2012 she was transferred to Team B
-On February 24, 2014 she was transferred to SKE48 Team S
-Admired Members: Watanabe Mayu and Kojima Haruna
-Hobbies: Shopping, Eating, Karaoke, Cooking, Dancing, Collecting strange goods and Straps
-Favorite AKB48 Member: Imai Yurie
-Favorite foods: Sushi, abalone, natto, banana and her mother’s homemade onigiri
Favorite phrase: “Like a cherry, I want to be connected to someone”
-Likes: Shinohara Ryoko
-Special Skills: Golf, calligraphy and making strange faces
-Future Ambition: Being happy and doing many works related to golf
-Light Stick Colors: Green and White
-She’s a member of Drama Club
-She’s Team S’s oldest member
-She came in 5th place in the AKB48 Group Number 1 Singing Competition
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Profile By: Hannagw
Who is your SKE48 Team S bias? Do you know more facts about them? Feel free to comment below.