Be Mbitious is an upcoming program hosted by Mnet, with the purpose of forming a dance crew consisting of solo dancers. The project dance crew will then join Street Man Fighter, a spin-off show of Street Woman Fighter. Be Mbitious is set to start airing on May 24, 2022, and will consist of approximately 10 episodes. Rain will be the host of the show.
Some idol applicants for Be Mbitious include Roh Taehyun (former HOTSHOT member), Zelo (former B.A.P member), Moon Jongup (former B.A.P member), Hoya (former Infinite member), BM (KARD), Kino (Pentagon), U (ONF), Harry June (DKB), Hwang Junseo (DKB), Yang Heechan (DKB), Baek Jin (former Mixnine and Produce X 101 contestant), and Samuel (soloist)
*Please note that there are over 400 total applicants, so I listed some of the more well-known applicants*
(Full list of applicants/submissions included in this Youtube playlist by Mnet)
Which applicants are you looking forward to seeing in Be Mbitious? Leave your comments below!
Some idol applicants for Be Mbitious include Roh Taehyun (former HOTSHOT member), Zelo (former B.A.P member), Moon Jongup (former B.A.P member), Hoya (former Infinite member), BM (KARD), Kino (Pentagon), U (ONF), Harry June (DKB), Hwang Junseo (DKB), Yang Heechan (DKB), Baek Jin (former Mixnine and Produce X 101 contestant), and Samuel (soloist)
*Please note that there are over 400 total applicants, so I listed some of the more well-known applicants*
(Full list of applicants/submissions included in this Youtube playlist by Mnet)
Which applicants are you looking forward to seeing in Be Mbitious? Leave your comments below!