this is half related to kpop and half not.
I hate it so much what people are like aLl iDoLs hAvE pLaStIc sUrGeRy bEcAuSe tHeY hAvE dOuBlE eYe lIds
Yes, it's very likely that they could have had plastic surgery to get double eyelids but there are also those people who didn't get plastic surgery to achieve double eyelids. Even when there are pictures of the idols when they were infants with double eyelids people still refuse to believe it. Yes, they could have had plastic surgery to make their eyes bigger or their double eyelid more defined but, does that mean that they weren't born with double eyelids??
Then, there are the "aLl aSiAnS hAvE mOnOlIdS" group. No. They don't. The percentage of mono-lids to double eyelids is around 50-50. Double eyelids, from many studies, are less common in Koreans but what about the rest of east Asia?? Its like your saying. Because many koreans have mono-lids, that means that everyone has monolids too!!!! *obnoxious smile*
I had to search it up and this is what I found
I don't even know why I'm making such a big deal out of this but it annoys me so much.