Honestly they weren't marketed very well Imo, and I was expecting to be very disappointed when they came out with a song called "Jopping", but I think expecting it to be bad was the best idea I ever made because it just made it so much better!? My favorite part is definitely Mark's rap in the second verse, "Opinionated but I'm always spitting straight facts" like wow who hurt him
and you didn't hear this from me but ̴̶̴̴M̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴a̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴r̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴k̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴b̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴e̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴i̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴n̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴g̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴a̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴s̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴t̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴r̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴a̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴i̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴g̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴h̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴t̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴g̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴a̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴y̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴e̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴r̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴a̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴i̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴s̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴o̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴v̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴e̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴r̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴a̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴n̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴d̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴h̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴e̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴i̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴s̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴h̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴e̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴t̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴n̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴o̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴ ̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴l̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴o̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴n̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴g̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴e̴̴̶̴̴̶̴̴r̴̴̶̴
and it didn't really hit me that they're actually a group until it came out but god i'm so glad they are they all go so well together.
Oh and Ten's lines are so great i could bop to just them for hours but I could say that for the rest of the song too and,,
im ranting
It was ok but I don't know if that should have been the lead single. I only listened to it the one time and IDK if I'll listen to it again in the near future, we'll see though
The title isn't.
But from what I've heard, they're mostly aimed at the western market; last I knew, SM hadn't even confirmed if they were ever gonna promote in Korea as Super M...
For me, it's okay. While there are bits I like (and yes, I do include Mark's rap), I think it's more of a spectacle than a particularly good song. The video's pretty great, and it's probably gonna be a straight banger live, but I can't see myself really listening to it very often.