My Bizarre Kpop Theories, Observations, and Predictions



Kpop Expert
Aug 27, 2019
Your bullying List is accurate, while watching funny moments you can see this... but they treat each other as how siblings would most times.... i feel like bullying is not the word tho... (edit : nvm i see what you mean 💀💀💀
Last edited:


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
19. Where I think the IZ*ONE members will go after they disband.
I've seen some videos on youtube theorizing about this and decided to give it a try.

Eunbi: Eunbi is under Woollim Entertainment, which currently houses the girl groups Lovelyz and Rocket Punch. Lovelyz debuted in 2014, so I highly doubt Eunbi would join the group, and she doesn't really fit the kinda light, cute concept the best, she's more of the edgy type (Rumor). Rocket Punch on the other hand debuted last year, so adding new members would not be strange in the slightest. However, Eunbi was born in 1995, and the oldest member of Rocket punch was born in 1997 and the youngest 2005. This would make her the oldest by two years and with a 10 year age gap between her and the maknae. I'm not very versed in Rocket Punch's music but from what I can tell their concept is somewhere in the teen crush realm, which would fit Eunbi more. The issue I see with this though is that Eunbi has a very mature face, which might clash a bit with the very youthful look of Rocket Punch. There also might be issues with the leader role, would Eunbi become the new leader, would they be co-leaders, or would she not have any kind of leader role. I also don't think she will wait several years for a new group to debut based on her age. Another idea I had was that she would debut as a duo with Chaewon, as they are both under the same company, however I feel like their talents are too similar and she would have to be placed with someone who was more rap oriented to be successful. For example Hangyul and Dohyon of X1 are debuting as a duo but one of them is a singer and the other a rapper, so there is good balance. So based on this I have two theories:
-Eunbi will join Rocket Punch
-Eunbi debuts as a duo with Chaewon
-Eunbi will go solo
Eunbi going solo is something I could really see happening. She has amazing vocals, dancing, and visuals. She is very similar to Chungha and I think it would make sense for her to go solo, so that is my top prediction.

Sakura: Sakura is part of HKT48, which is a Japanese sub unit of AKB48. She is incredibly popular within both Japan and Korea so I see two options for her:
-Sakura goes back to Japan and continues to promote with HKT48.
-Sakura leaves her group and joins a company in Korea and debuts in a girls group.
I see her going back to Japan more just because she was incredibly popular there and now it will be even more. I think it also gives her better opportunities to show off her talents then kpop does.

Hyewon: Hyewon is under 8D Creative which from what I found out does not have any kind of groups they have debuted. She did almost debut in a group called DAYDAY, however that was cancelled. This indicates to me that she has the desire to be an idol. So I theorize:
-Hyewon will return to 8D creative to debut in their first girl group.
-Hweyon will leave 8D creative and join another company where she will there debut in a girl group.
I don't see her going solo, if she choses to continue in kpop it would be in a group.
-Hyewon might also become a model or an actress, based on her visuals.
I think this all depends on what her company chooses to do or not.

Yena: Yena is from YUEHUA Entertainment. I'm pretty sure everyone is theorizing that she will join Everglow once IZ*ONE disbands. the group has 6 members, and groups are usually more compatible with odd numbers because of how choreography would cover the members. There are also theories that the reason Mia gets so many lines is because Yena will get half when she joins. However I think this could be in jeopardy. Because of all the scandals the company might not want her to debut and "taint" the groups image or something. Also if Everglow becomes insanely popular in the next year, the company might not want to disrupt something that is working for them. But I think the highest probability comes out of her joining Everglow. I also don't see her going solo, she would much better fit a group environment so:
-Yena will join Everglow
-Yena will leave her company to train at another and debut there.

Chaeyeon: Chaeyeon is under WM Entertainment, which houses the girl group Oh My Girl. However, Oh My Girl debuted in 2015, so there's really no chance she will join that group. However based on the time period between Oh My Girl's debut and now I think it is totally possible that Chaeyeon could debut with a new group at her company. There is also a high chance that she could debut as a soloist. She's an all-rounder and would do an excellent job. My only concern is that she is not considered pretty when it comes to Korean standards, which could hold her back in the industry if she debuts by herself. Her company might also see this happening and decide not to debut her as solo. But part of me thinks her talent, especially her dancing, might be too big for a group...
-Chaeyeon with debut under a new group under her current company
-Chaeyeon will go solo

I really have no clue which one would happen in this case, I can see either happening.

Chaewon: Chaewon is under Woollim entertainment like Eunbi. Based on Chaewon's age, appearance, and attitude, I think she would be a quite good fit for Rocket Punch. Her age falls within the range in the group. She does fit a cuter concept, but she has shown us she can get edgy and have that teen crush concept with "Rumor", "Highlight", "Ayayaya", and many others. I could also see her debuting in a duo with Eunbi but I'm not so sure about that. I don't see her going solo, she fits a group better in my opinion.
-Chaewon will join Rocket Punch
-Chaewon will debut as a duo with Eunbi

Minju: Minju is under Urban Works which does not have any active girl groups. So I think it's possible that she could join a girl group if the company that the company decides to debut. She might also leave her company if the company decides to not debut a girl group. However what I think has the highest probability of occurring is her becoming an actress. She already has a lot of credits and has the perfect appearance for playing the main female protagonist in the I guess typical kdrama. So she could stay at her company and begin acting in more roles and possibly do some modeling, or she could leave and join a more acting oriented company.
-Minju will debut in a new girl group under her company
-Minju will leave her company to debut in another's group
-Minju will become an actress

Nako: Nako is in the same situation as Sakura, being a part of HKT48. So I think there is a high probability of her rejoining her group, because she was also very popular, not as much as Sakura, but still very popular. However I think it would make a lot of sense for her to debut in a Korean group. Out of the three Japanese members she is the one who seems the most comfortable in Korea, and based on what I read about her she really likes Korea. I think there's a high chance she would leave her company to join another, where she would debut in a group. Nako also has the voice a lot for companies look for in trainees, as it is very desirable in girl groups (Sana, Umji, etc). Her cuteness also makes her a high contender for a Korean girl group.
-Nako will return to HKT48.
-Nako will leave her company to join another and debut in their new girl group.

Hitomi: I think that Hitomi will go back to Japan and rejoin HKT48, she was probably the least popular of the Japanese members, but IZ*ONE will have made her much more popular. She could possibly join a girl group, but idk, I just don't really see it happening, but you never know.
-Hitomi will return to HKT48.
-Hitomi will leave her company and join another and debut in their new girl group.

Yuri: Yuri is under Stone Music Entertainment which only houses groups formed by competitions like IZ*ONE and Fromis_9, so she won't join Fromis_9, especially because she was in competition for that group and did not make the final lineup. So Yuri could leave her company to debut in a new group. However, I think her debuting as a solo artist makes the most sense. Yuri's voice, while I really enjoy it, is very atypical to a normal girl group idol voice, which might discriminate her from debuting in a new group. Yuri's voice is amazing and I think she could be a very successful solo artist.
-Yuri leaves her company to join another and debut in their new group.
-Yuri debuts as a solo artist

Yunjin is under Starship Entertainment, which currently has WJSN. This group debuted in 2016 so there's no chance she will join it. However I think there is a very high chance she will join Starship's newest girl group. This girl group will probably debut sometime in 2021, based on the time difference between the debuts of Monsta X and Cravity (5 years). Because she is so young I think this makes sense, and her leaving her company or going solo does not.
-Yunjin joins Starship's newest girl group.

Wonyoung is under Starship Entertainment and would also not be a contender to join WJSN. I think she will also join Starhship's next girl group with Yunjin based on her being so young. I really don't see her going solo like other first place produce winners just cause her talents lie more in dance than singing or rapping (not saying she's a bad rapper or vocalist I just don't think her level is high enough for a solo debut).
-Wonyoung joins Starship's newest girl group.


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
I haven't updated this in over a month, cause I had nothing. But I saw this video with a theory I wanted to elaborate on and show you guys. This is also the first time I have posted on this thread when the sun was in the sky so that's new!
20. SM clones their idols.
This is a sillier one, but I think it would be interesting to compile all of the information.
So, there are bound to be some idols who have similar appearances, I could name a handful myself, but SM idols in particular tend to look alike. Therefore, I theorize that SM doubles as some kind of genetic testing facility where they clone their idols. Or they look for people at their auditions who look like successful idols under SM, in an attempt to replicate the success.
Here are some examples:
Minho-SHINee and Lucas-NCT/Super M and lowkey Chanyeol-EXO

Minho and Lucas especially look alike, but I think Chanyeol looks similar as well, I think it's the eyes.
-They all hold either main/lead rapping positions in their groups
-They all are the tallest/one of the tallest member in their group
-Minho and Lucas are both on the younger side of their group/are part of the maknae line
-They all have a visual positions.
-They are all viewed as a "sexy member" to an extent
-Chanyeol and Lucas both have deep voices, and rap in a deeper tone(I'm not sure about Minho)
-Lucas and Chanyeol have very similar personalities (silly, cute, kinda like a giant puppy)

Taemin-SHINee and Jungwoo-NCT

Some other similarities:
-They both of a higher vocal tone
-They are both one of the younger members of their groups/maknae line
-They are both very good dancers/have dance positions

Jaejoong-ex TVXQ and Taeyong NCT

I don't know enough about Jaejoong to make comparisons past appearance.

Yuta-NCT and Hansol-ex SM Rookies/New Kidd

These two legitimately look like twins, it's scary.
Other similarities:
-They are both fairly quiet people
-They are either the oldest/one of the older members
-Their positions are similar (Main/Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper)

Suho-EXO and Irene-Red Velvet

I think this picture speaks for itself. Other similarities:
-Both leaders of their groups
-Both one of the shorter/shortest members
-They both use stage names
We also can't discount how much of a Red Velvet fan Suho is.

Donghae-Super Junior and Jeno-NCT

Some other similarities:
-They are both lead dancers
-They are both one of the younger members of their group/maknae line

Taeyeon and Jessica-SNSD

Some similarities:
-Both Main Vocalists
-They are both on the older side of SNSD
-They are both soloists

Wendy-Red Velvet and Renjun-NCT

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I think they look similar.
-Both Main Vocalists in their group
-Both the shortest/one of the shorter members in the group
-They are both foreign idols


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
21. Here are a variety of reasons why I think we haven't gotten a Cypher 5 from BTS.
So I know that BTS has released rap line only songs since the release of Cypher 4, but we haven't gotten a Cypher 5, which is puzzling. I've noticed a lot of theories on the internet that is was because V wanted to be in it and they couldn't figure it out so they just didn't make one. But this just sounds like something someone made up to cause a war within the fandom. Here are my reasons:
1. BTS has been gaining thousands of new fans and immense amounts of popularity since the release of Cypher 4 in their "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life" era.
Think about it, celebrities often have to hide almost everything about their lives, and when one of their "transgressions" is revealed they are cancelled and it is very difficult for them to get back into the spotlight and get the public's favor back again. Cyphers are basically diss tracks to a variety of different people and group. I think if they released another one people would think they were mean or cruel for insulting somebody so publicly. With BTS's fame, dissing somebody could also lead to armys hating on this person as well, which could end very badly. Every single move made by BTS is being watched, remember Jungkook's false tattoo artist girlfriend "scandal"? If they present as anything negative it could be catastrophic.
2. BTS has been gaining a lot of younger fans.
I'm not saying that all BTS stans are teenagers, tweens, or younger (I'm 20 years old myself), but a large population is. Think back to when the Beatles came out or Insyc, Backstreet Boys, Justin Bieber, One Direction, and many others were popular. There fans were mainly comprised of teenage girls, which has resulted in the stereotype of the screaming teenage fangirl who would do anything to marry their idol. This can be true to an extent. I think Big Hit realizes the demographic of their fanbase and decided it would be better to not use profanity in their songs. This could result in angry parents due to their children being corrupted or whatever.
3. BTS has changed concept.
Most of BTS's cyphers were released when they were still using the heavy hip hop concept, similar to that of Block B. BTS has been taking on much lighter concepts as of late, which also appeal to the general public more. It would not make sense to release an album with a song like "Boy with Luv" and then a diss track which would need to be rated PG13. An album is not just a random collection of songs, it tells a story and is organized to do so. A hard hitting cypher would interrupt this, no matter how much of us want a Cypher 5.
4. BTS don't have as many people to diss anymore, and if they did it would be labeled as them being ungrateful.
Previously BTS has mainly dissed the idol world, people who don't understand the seriousness or rapping, and basic kpop idols such as Psy. BTS is now the mainstream group that they would diss if the situations were flipped. BTS can't diss any groups who have a legendary status like Big Bang or Beast because that would just label them as ungrateful and over there heads. Doing the opposite would be almost worse, it would be like they were trying to rub their success in not as popular groups. If they were to diss the industry this could turn fans off of kpop, or begin to hate on companies such as Melon, Mnet, KBS, etc. If they dissed a western artist then they would be viewed with a variety of racial insults and seen as if they didn't know what they were doing.
To sum it up, I wish BTS would give us a Cypher 5, but I don't think it will happen.


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
This new one is based off of my first theory in this thread.
22. Are groups assembled to be/match a certain height?
So most groups usually have a good variation of heights throughout the members. Look at Pentagon, they have a member is is 168 cm (I'll miss you Jinho!) and another who is 188+ cm. However, something I've noticed is that some groups all have around the exact same height, and that height tends to be either on the shorter side or the taller side. Now this could be purely coincidental, but it seems more then that. We know that to some extent companies will limit certain heights, for example Mingyu of Seventeen (187 cm) almost didn't debut because his height difference seemed to drastic. Korea is also a country that focuses on appearances much more then Western countries, hence the visual position, and it being the plastic surgery capital of the world. Here are some groups I think were created with height being viewed as a factor.

I first heard of KNK when I was watching their joint Weekly Idol episode with ASTRO, and they are tall, like really tall.
Their tallest member, Seoham is 190 cm (6 foot 3), which makes him the second tallest idol that I am aware of, with Rowoon of SF9 winning by half a centimeter.
Their shortest member is Heejun who is 180 cm (5 foot 11). For most male kpop idols this is usually above average height.
Having such tall members has lead me to believe that KNK was created with the message of "Hey we're tall". Sadly KNK doesn't get a ton of attention for their actual talents, it usually is about their appearances, mostly how tall they are. This is an excellent marketing tactic, so I would understand why their first company did this.

Stray Kids

So I think the majority of kpop stans know that Stray Kids is on the shorter side. In fact, they are the male group with the shortest overall height, out of about 30 different groups. Also, the member's heights have not really been updated since debut, it is obvious some of them have grown, so this may not be completely accurate present day, but let's take a look in the past.
So Stray Kids' leader Bang Chan was pretty much allowed to select his group mates, so this might be something Chan decided would look better, or he didn't want to look short (sorry Chan). But imagine if he did debut with Got7. Their tallest, Yugyeom is 182 cm (6 foot) and their shortest are Mark and Jackson who are 175 cm or 5 foot 9. Chan, as written in the profile, is 171 cm, or 5 foot 7. Even compared to Mark and Jackson he would look short. People can be really sensitive about their height (I am too), so I would see why Chan wouldn't want to be seen as so much shorter than the rest of the group.
However, psychologically we are more attracted and more comfortable around those who appear similar to us, that's why they say people marry their parents. Chan might have just felt more comfortable around people who were his same height. Or it could have been purely aesthetic purposes, or it could be a coincidence.
Stray Kid's shortest member is Changbin (167 cm/5 foot 6) and their tallest is Hyunjin (179 cm/5 foot 10). That may seem like a big difference, but keep in mind Hyunjin was shorter at the time of debut, and I'm pretty sure Woojin was the tallest at 174 cm.
A lot of the Stray Kids members were underage when they debuted, meaning a lot of them still had the potential to grow.
Something else to note is whenever you see pictures of Stray Kids together, Hyunjin, and also Seungmin, don't look much taller than the rest of the members, and the other way around with the shorter members.
This leads me to believe that height was considered when creating Stray Kids.
To me this is an interesting choice, due to Stray Kid's music style. Hip Hop music is associated with being tough, so I would be less surprised if Stray Kids was more like KNK.
But they also have the name Stray Kids, so maybe they were trying to fit with the name and make them seem as young as possible.

Tallfriend, sorry Gfriend

So the nickname speaks for itself. The majority of the members of Gfriend are above average in terms of height, sorry Eunha.
Sowon is the tallest at 172.8 cm or 5 foot 8, making her one of the tallest female idols behind Aisha of Everglow and Doyeon of Weki Meki/IOI.
Eunha is the shortest at 162.7 cm or 5 foot 4, which is around average woman's height.
I think when Source Music was forming the group they noticed how tall some trainees were, and naturally put them together. A lot of Gfriend was also underage so they would probably grow.
I think it is possible Gfriend was formed like this for the same reason as KNK, it draws attention. Debuting from a small company, while groups like Twice and Red Velvet were also debuting, makes success seem impossible. By making themselves visably different from other groups they drew attention.
That is why in a lot of debuts the dances are harder and involve eye catching things like acrobatics and stunts (I'm lookin at you Firetruck).

Lastly I would like to mention a group that was actually marketed as "Hey we're short, come look at us":

The name speaks for itself, and the company specifically said that the group was made to be shorter than the average woman. This makes them different and interesting, and society has deemed that short girl=cute girl.
The tallest member Myungji is 160 cm or 5 foot 2, which is quite short for a female idol. They usually tend to be within the realm of 165 cm.
Two of the members are the shortest and they are 150 cm or 4 foot 11.
This group is an excellent example of my theory being accurate, and I think there are many other groups that will try to focus on being within a specific height.
Another reason a company could do this is so the group seems more uniform, and therefore look more perfect on stage. I'm not gonna mention any more, but here are a list with height ranges:
-TXT (177-186 cm)
-Red Velvet (All members are 158-160 cm except for Joy who is 167 cm)
-VIXX (180-185 cm)
-SF9 (177-190.5 cm) I think they thought Chani might grow more then he did, cause the rest of them are giants.
-TVXQ!-Original lineup (178-186 cm)
-A.C.E (174-177 cm)
-EXID (167-170 cm)
-Mamamoo (159-163 cm)
-9muses-Final Lineup (167-172 cm)

But yes this has been my Ted Talk, I hope you enjoyed by ramblings!


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
So this one is based off of me being a nerdy psychology major and having too much time on my hands:
23. There is a psychological/sociological reason why stans will comment hateful things.
So because we live in a society where we need to identify the placement for everything, there are tons of lists going around that rank an idols skill in a certain field. For example: Stray Kids Dance Ranking. Often, if fans do not think their bias was done justice, they may resort to hate comments. Many could think this was there way to stand up for their idol and correct the ranking maker, however there is a more I guess selfish reason we do this.
Human beings have been conditioned to desire affirmations and praise. And we feel the same way about our opinions. The reason many of us will publicly post things like "Suga is one of the best rappers in kpop" or "Momo is the best female kpop dancer", is because we feel the need for others to assure us that our opinions are correct. Yes, sometimes we post things like this as pure appreciation, but most of the time we want others to agree with us.
When one of these comments is opposed, it is not just what your are saying that is being opposed, but your opinion making abilities and even your character.
There are two terms often used in sociology that can explain this, conformity and deviance.
Living in a society where everyone thinks similar things will often lead to an individual conforming to those beliefs so they are not viewed as deviant.
Now when I say deviant I don't mean evil, or in any sexual connotation. I simply mean deviance as being outside the social norm. This can lead a person to being ostracized and viewed as weird, strange, or wrong.
When we make comments defending your idol in a ranking, it is because you want to point out that you believe this person is deviant. Through this you are proving that you are properly conforming.
We defend any comment we make, no matter if it is wrong or not, because we do not want to be seen as deviant. We feel the need to explain and defend ourselves, in order to not just prove our thought is right, but that we as people are right as well
We are often very scared of challenging the social norm, as being viewed as different can be scary. This is why it can take a lot to change a person's opinion. Instead people will do anything they possibly can to prove their conformity in their opinion. This can include going as far as sending hate comments, death threats, and other personal attacks which are not linked to the topic at all.

This has been my psychology ramble/lecture, which I'm sure is not well explained enough for anybody to understand, even me lol.


Jul 13, 2019
Sakuma Ritsu
Orbit Crown
I haven't updated this in over a month, cause I had nothing. But I saw this video with a theory I wanted to elaborate on and show you guys. This is also the first time I have posted on this thread when the sun was in the sky so that's new!
20. SM clones their idols.
This is a sillier one, but I think it would be interesting to compile all of the information.
So, there are bound to be some idols who have similar appearances, I could name a handful myself, but SM idols in particular tend to look alike. Therefore, I theorize that SM doubles as some kind of genetic testing facility where they clone their idols. Or they look for people at their auditions who look like successful idols under SM, in an attempt to replicate the success.
Here are some examples:
Minho-SHINee and Lucas-NCT/Super M and lowkey Chanyeol-EXO

Minho and Lucas especially look alike, but I think Chanyeol looks similar as well, I think it's the eyes.
-They all hold either main/lead rapping positions in their groups
-They all are the tallest/one of the tallest member in their group
-Minho and Lucas are both on the younger side of their group/are part of the maknae line
-They all have a visual positions.
-They are all viewed as a "sexy member" to an extent
-Chanyeol and Lucas both have deep voices, and rap in a deeper tone(I'm not sure about Minho)
-Lucas and Chanyeol have very similar personalities (silly, cute, kinda like a giant puppy)

Taemin-SHINee and Jungwoo-NCT

Some other similarities:
-They both of a higher vocal tone
-They are both one of the younger members of their groups/maknae line
-They are both very good dancers/have dance positions

Jaejoong-ex TVXQ and Taeyong NCT

I don't know enough about Jaejoong to make comparisons past appearance.

Yuta-NCT and Hansol-ex SM Rookies/New Kidd

These two legitimately look like twins, it's scary.
Other similarities:
-They are both fairly quiet people
-They are either the oldest/one of the older members
-Their positions are similar (Main/Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper)

Suho-EXO and Irene-Red Velvet

I think this picture speaks for itself. Other similarities:
-Both leaders of their groups
-Both one of the shorter/shortest members
-They both use stage names
We also can't discount how much of a Red Velvet fan Suho is.

Donghae-Super Junior and Jeno-NCT

Some other similarities:
-They are both lead dancers
-They are both one of the younger members of their group/maknae line

Taeyeon and Jessica-SNSD

Some similarities:
-Both Main Vocalists
-They are both on the older side of SNSD
-They are both soloists

Wendy-Red Velvet and Renjun-NCT

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I think they look similar.
-Both Main Vocalists in their group
-Both the shortest/one of the shorter members in the group
-They are both foreign idols
this reminds me of how most of the clones are under nct and nct it supposed to be like a new thing because NEOct so they cloned their previous artists and put them in a new group so they take their already successful and get more money out of it lol


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
Y'all I feel like a genius right now with this one legit
24. Cube is trying/did push E'Dawn, Yanan, and Shinwon because they were not part of the original lineup and they regret adding them back in.
So if you didn't know Pentagon was formed by a reality show called "Pentagon Maker". In order to make the debut team each of the 10 contestants (10 original Pentagon members) had to complete there "pentagraph". It looks like this:

So this is Wooseok's completed pentagraph. I didn't actually watch the show but based on research, you had to get 5 points in the categories vocal/rap, talent, mind, team work, and dance. This was done through performances, tasks, and competitions which would get them points if done correctly/if they won.
By the end of the period that the reality show ran only Hui, Jinho, Hongseok, Yeo One, Kino, Yuto, and Wooseok completed their pentagraphs.
Shinwon had been eliminated in a previous episode, and idk about Yanan and E'Dawn but they didn't make it.
Pentagon was set to debut as 7 but Cube added the 3 eliminated trainees before debut.
What is suspicious about this is that two of the members who were not in the original lineup are now either no longer in Pentagon or have been inactive for some time.
When E'Dawn and HyunA came out with their relationship it was obvious they had been dating since E'Dawn was a trainee. Cube obviously knew this, but I think they came to an agreement that they would stay quiet.
I think they did something similar with Hui and Soojin. What is different in this case is that I think they gave the two the ultimatum of break up or leave the company. Hui and Soojin broke up because of this, maybe idk just a theory.
With E'Dawn I think Cube eliminated him at first because HyunA and him would not agree to break up, so they would kick out E'Dawn, but they would keep HyunA as she is their most famous soloist.
I think HyunA, being the powerful woman she is, decided to give Cube the ultimatum of put him back in the lineup or I leave. Cube and the couple probably then negotiated that E'Dawn would be in Pentagon, but they would keep the relationship secret. We all know how this worked out so I won't elaborate.
So in Cube's eyes it's one down two to go.
So I also think Cube thought, we can't just add one of them back, the fans wouldn't like that, so let's add the other two as well.
With Yanan it is very obvious Cube doesn't want him in Pentagon, no matter what Yanan wants.
I think Yanan took his first hiatus on his terms, he actually needed to.
Then he took his second one with the same purposes, but then Cube thought, this is how we can get rid of him.
Let's just extend this hiatus until he eventually leaves. Cube is currently doing this.
Yanan has stated numerous times that he wants to return to activates but Cube has not been cooperative.
I highly doubt that Yanan will comeback any time soon as he has been missing for I believe it is two comebacks "Humph" and "Dr. Bebe". Now I do need to say that Yanan did feature vocally in "Humph" but he was not present during any of the stages. This is when I think he was on a legit hiatus or was coming back from one, and then Cube said no go away.
Now that leaves us with Shinwon. I don't think Cube will try to kick him out because it would look suspicious if all three added members were no longer in Pentagon. However it is obvious they try to promote him as little as possible.
Hui does not have final say on line distribution, Cube has a hand in that. There is a good chance that Cube has shifted parts of his to other members. We know he can sing based on Pentagon Maker, it isn't like he can't do the parts.
Shinwon also has very little center time and is not featured frequently in dances. Cube's assigned role for him seems to be "comic relief".
But I could be completely wrong and that Yanan will comeback to promote, and Shinwon's suitation is based on other people being better for the parts and the fact that he is in a fairly large group.
With E'Dawn he's not gonna come back, that's for sure, but I think he still would have been kicked out even with the application of this theory.
This situation is very similar to what is going on with Momoland, but I don't stan them so I don't know the situation well enough to make a post about it.
Thank you for coming to tonight's rambling!


Jul 13, 2019
Sakuma Ritsu
Orbit Crown
Y'all I feel like a genius right now with this one legit
24. Cube is trying/did push E'Dawn, Yanan, and Shinwon because they were not part of the original lineup and they regret adding them back in.
So if you didn't know Pentagon was formed by a reality show called "Pentagon Maker". In order to make the debut team each of the 10 contestants (10 original Pentagon members) had to complete there "pentagraph". It looks like this:

So this is Wooseok's completed pentagraph. I didn't actually watch the show but based on research, you had to get 5 points in the categories vocal/rap, talent, mind, team work, and dance. This was done through performances, tasks, and competitions which would get them points if done correctly/if they won.
By the end of the period that the reality show ran only Hui, Jinho, Hongseok, Yeo One, Kino, Yuto, and Wooseok completed their pentagraphs.
Shinwon had been eliminated in a previous episode, and idk about Yanan and E'Dawn but they didn't make it.
Pentagon was set to debut as 7 but Cube added the 3 eliminated trainees before debut.
What is suspicious about this is that two of the members who were not in the original lineup are now either no longer in Pentagon or have been inactive for some time.
When E'Dawn and HyunA came out with their relationship it was obvious they had been dating since E'Dawn was a trainee. Cube obviously knew this, but I think they came to an agreement that they would stay quiet.
I think they did something similar with Hui and Soojin. What is different in this case is that I think they gave the two the ultimatum of break up or leave the company. Hui and Soojin broke up because of this, maybe idk just a theory.
With E'Dawn I think Cube eliminated him at first because HyunA and him would not agree to break up, so they would kick out E'Dawn, but they would keep HyunA as she is their most famous soloist.
I think HyunA, being the powerful woman she is, decided to give Cube the ultimatum of put him back in the lineup or I leave. Cube and the couple probably then negotiated that E'Dawn would be in Pentagon, but they would keep the relationship secret. We all know how this worked out so I won't elaborate.
So in Cube's eyes it's one down two to go.
So I also think Cube thought, we can't just add one of them back, the fans wouldn't like that, so let's add the other two as well.
With Yanan it is very obvious Cube doesn't want him in Pentagon, no matter what Yanan wants.
I think Yanan took his first hiatus on his terms, he actually needed to.
Then he took his second one with the same purposes, but then Cube thought, this is how we can get rid of him.
Let's just extend this hiatus until he eventually leaves. Cube is currently doing this.
Yanan has stated numerous times that he wants to return to activates but Cube has not been cooperative.
I highly doubt that Yanan will comeback any time soon as he has been missing for I believe it is two comebacks "Humph" and "Dr. Bebe". Now I do need to say that Yanan did feature vocally in "Humph" but he was not present during any of the stages. This is when I think he was on a legit hiatus or was coming back from one, and then Cube said no go away.
Now that leaves us with Shinwon. I don't think Cube will try to kick him out because it would look suspicious if all three added members were no longer in Pentagon. However it is obvious they try to promote him as little as possible.
Hui does not have final say on line distribution, Cube has a hand in that. There is a good chance that Cube has shifted parts of his to other members. We know he can sing based on Pentagon Maker, it isn't like he can't do the parts.
Shinwon also has very little center time and is not featured frequently in dances. Cube's assigned role for him seems to be "comic relief".
But I could be completely wrong and that Yanan will comeback to promote, and Shinwon's suitation is based on other people being better for the parts and the fact that he is in a fairly large group.
With E'Dawn he's not gonna come back, that's for sure, but I think he still would have been kicked out even with the application of this theory.
This situation is very similar to what is going on with Momoland, but I don't stan them so I don't know the situation well enough to make a post about it.
Thank you for coming to tonight's rambling!
id believe it since well its cube


Kpop Expert
Oct 20, 2019
the grave
Alrighty part 3:

7. So I think this might be my most controversial and I'm not 100% sold on it but, does anybody else think that some idol producers given themselves more lines?
I have noticed this in some groups I think there could be a couple reasons for it:
1. They wrote the song so they think they deserve to have more lines.
2. They know their voice best and what parts that it would best suit the song.
3. And this one is probably the least likely, they give themselves the lines just cause they want more lines/the spotlight, but I highly doubt this.
Some groups I have noticed this in are Pentagon, Stray Kids, and Block B.
There are more (Seventeen, Ateez, iKON, Big Bang, (G)i-dle, and EXID) but this would turn into an essay.
I'm gonna present an example for each group:
Pentagon: Those who follow Pentagon know that Hui is their main producer/songwriter, and he is an amazing one at that. Fun fact: Hui wrote Wanna One's debut song 'Energetic' along with Wooseok. It makes sense that Hui has many lines in Pentagon songs as he is one of he main vocalist, however I still find issue with the distribution.
Hui tends to have a lot more lines than Jinho, the other main vocal of he group (who I think could definitely be applied more to the songs based on his skill in versatiltiy). Because Hui is giving himself lines outside of the chorus, which main vocals usually sing, many of the other lead vocals and vocalists get barely any lines. Here are some stats:
-In 'Shalala' Hui had the most lines with 37.3% total, the closest to him is Wooseok with 13.8%.
- In 'Naughty Boy' he had the most lines with 20.2% and once again Wooseok came the closest with 16.2%.
-In there debut song 'Gorilla' Hui had the most lines with 25.9% and the closest, Jinho having 19.9%.
I think that these distribution gaps makes some sense because he is a Main vocalist, however I think maybe he is giving himself more lines because he wrote the song. But I can't get into Hui's head so who knows?
Stray Kids: All of Stray Kids's music is written by 3racha (Bang Chan, Changbin, and Han). I have never seen a problem with Changbin's amount of lines, or Han's because he has both a rapping and vocal position and is the only person in the group able to hit certain high notes, but I am confused when it comes to Bang Chan.
Chan is an extremely talented idol in every discipline and an amazing songwriter/producer but his position in the group is lead vocalist. So when I first got into Stray Kids and I was looking at lyric videos I was super surprised that Chan was getting many more lines than Woojin, the main vocalist of the group.
-In Miroh Bang Chan basically sings the only vocal line over and over giving it to the other vocalists once each, while he sang it multiple times, including Woojin. He has 27% of the lines, I.N coming the closest with 13.7% and Woojin only getting 6.7%, which is a single line.
-In their debut song 'District 9' Bang Chan has the most lines with 17.2%, while Woojin had 10.4%. You think that especialy with a debut song the group would want to utilize their main position the most.
The example of Stray Kids is not as glaring, but the 'Miroh' distribution still really puzzles me, idk.
Block B: Zico, who is arguably the best rapper in the kpop industry, was the main producer for Block B. I understand that because of the groups rap heavy concept that those with vocal roles would be getting much less lines than the rappers, but Block B has 2 other very competent rappers. And yes Zico is the best rapper of the group, and does hold he position of main rapper, but I feel like the distribution could have been better amongst the rappers. Also stan Block B, they may be on hiatus but they still need appreciation!
-In the song 'Very Good' Zico gets 31.6% of the lines, with Taeil the main vocalist getting closest, and the closest rapper being P.O with 12.9%. Zico's rap tone fits very will with this song, and most of Block B's songs, but I also feel it fits the other rappers as well.
-In the song 'Her' Zico has 39.6% with the closest being P.O with 17.3%.
-He also has the most in 'Nalina with 39.9% and the closest P.O with 23.4%, almost double.
It makes sense for producers with a Main role to get a large amount of lines, but I feel like in these cases it goes a bit too far.
In terms of Bang Chan, maybe his voice just fit the song better, idk.
We can never know what these idols are thinking, as much as we may want to.
Also this is in know way me insulting the mentioned idols and groups but pointing out some things that I think are confusing and inconsistent.
Omg I totally agree with the stray kids one, I love Chan but when I was getting into skz (a couple months back) and I didn't know all the members I was trying to match names to faces in live performances and I was so confused why Chan was singing predominantly in MIROH and practically centre stage the whole time. I'm not hating on Chan because he is really talented but I find it strange how he has heaps of lines in majority of the songs especially when the group had 9 people


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
Omg I totally agree with the stray kids one, I love Chan but when I was getting into skz (a couple months back) and I didn't know all the members I was trying to match names to faces in live performances and I was so confused why Chan was singing predominantly in MIROH and practically centre stage the whole time. I'm not hating on Chan because he is really talented but I find it strange how he has heaps of lines in majority of the songs especially when the group had 9 people
Yeah Miroh especially. It's like he gave each vocalist one singing part each and then he gave himself the rest. I felt so bad for Woojin especially, with him being Main Vocalist. And his line wasn't until really late in the song.


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
25. JYP was instrumental in Somi leaving, it wasn't just her decision.
So this theory is kinda half baked, but I decided to still post it.
So I think many people know that Somi won Produce 101 season 1 (maybe we don't know if that was rigged or not).
What some don't know is that Somi was a JYP trainee for many years and was supposed to debut with ITZY, there are even photos:
You can see her next to Chaeryeong.
But yes basically Somi was set to debut with ITZY instead of Yuna. JYP added Yuna to the lineup after Somi left. Yuna probably wasn't there in the first place because she is 2 years younger than the 2nd youngest, Chaeryeong, and with even number groups there are choreography issues.
So this theory is rooted in Miss A, specifically Suzy:
Miss A was a 4 member group under JYPE that debuted 2010. They were instantly popular due to concept and debut song "Bad Girl Good Girl" (which is such a bop by the way). However, one member was more popular than the rest, Suzy.
Suzy was the maknae of the group and became very popular due to her acting career. She became so popular that she basically overshadowed the group. There are a couple groups that when thought of you only think of one member and can't remember the others if you don't seriously stan:
-4Minute with HyunA
-Pretty much every produce group idol who redebuts or rejoins their group
-Block B with Zico
-ASTRO with Eunwoo
-Lowkey EXID with Hani
And of course, Miss A with Suzy.
I'm sure the majority of you reading this can't think of another member.
Suzy being so incredibly popular is one of the contributing factors to Miss A's downfall.
Somi already had this popularity from Produce 101. I think JYP was scared that Somi's popularity would overshadow the rest of ITZY and the group would result in the same way as Miss A.
Twice was most likely debuted as such a large group because JYP didn't want to end up with a group that could fall apart despite putting out amazing music.
So, I think JYP could have possibly told Somi that her popularity was too much for the group, and had her leave the company.
Of course I could be completely wrong and Somi left because she wanted to go solo, she was tired of waiting, or some other reason.
This is me just finding comparisons within the two situations.
Thanks you for listening to my Ted Talk.