No, I'm not married, its just I like to wear it on my ring finger.
Significance: My Best friend gave it to me when I was moving from one state to another.. its to represent our friendship coz I might not see her forever..
It's not a ring but my necklace that I wear all the time, except when I'm showering or dancing. It belonged to my grandpa whom I wasn't close to due to his dementia before he died, but, he was inspires me everyday. He fought in WW2 and was also a medic. He had PTSD from liberating one of the camps. He actually talked to some of the jews imprisoned there because he grew up speaking russian and yiddish. In order to become a doctor he had to change our last name to something more normal I guess because my family's Jewish and our last name made it obvious we were jewish. He was an incredible doctor and an incredible man and he inspires me to do great things in my life and not to give up.
Sorry that was really deep I'm feeling kinda down at the moment.
One, very occasionally. I used to have a small collection and I'd wear maybe three or four, but that was about twenty years ago; I used to wear a lot of pendants back then, too (simultaneously).
Nowadays the only one I wear with any regularity is a chunky bronzed steel one that I had 3D printed, shaped like a gear wheel.
I've always loved rings and used to switch them out a lot, wearing multiples at a time. I finally narrowed it down to one simple ring on my ring finger, but then someone stole it while I was showering at college I recently replaced it (3 years later lol) with a small silver feather ring that I thought complimented an eagle necklace that I never take off (the necklace was a gift from my best friend). I also have a spinner ring that I wear on my thumb if I have to go to someplace new or talk to people (I have social anxiety and helps to do something with my hands)
i dont usually wear rings, only when im going out, but when i do, i wear a amber heart shaped one that my platonic boy friend gave me 10 years ago. (°▽°)