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π•±π–”π–—π–Šπ–‘π–˜π–π–Šπ–™ [forΙ›lskΙ™d] {Danish}; being totally in love - an ineffable euphoria experienced when one is enamored with someone

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36946Hey, all! What you just read was a summary of my fanfiction I've been writing for a little over 3 years ago and had just recently started to publish on Archive of our Own. It's called Forelsket, and it's my Lil baby~!

It might not be the best story ever, but it's my story, so I'm always going to be proud of it <3

Anyways, so if you didn't catch it from the mini back-book summary I wrote in there, this fanfiction is about Taekook's high school romance. It takes place in Seoul, South Korea, and it's based on their War of Hormone era.

I wanted to write something that's more realistic in terms of what it's like being LGBT+ in countries that aren't open to it like the ones where same-sex marriage is legal. I wanted to write something like that because I notice a lot of male x male Kpop fanfictions are written where every single person who runs into the main couple is completely okay with it, or every single character's gay, or something similar, and I get that it's nice to live in that kind of la-la land, but that's just not how the real world works and I wanted to write more about that.

36948That being said, I want to put in some trigger warnings that have either been written into the story or that I plan on writing into the story in the future:

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!ᴍᴇɴᴛΙͺᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ κœ±α΄‡ΚŸκœ° Κœα΄€Κ€α΄!
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!ꜱᴜΙͺα΄„Ιͺᴅᴇ α΄€α΄›α΄›α΄‡α΄α΄˜α΄›!
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Here's the direct link to the story if you guys want to check it out~! I update every Saturday PST with a new chapter.
Forelsket - YourAverageFanboy

Hey, all! Just wanted to announce that chapter 12 was uploaded this morning~! Now there are over 14,000 words for you to gobble up and (hopefully) enjoy!

If you do check out my story, Forelsket, then please make sure to let me know what you think of it! Either good comments or constructive criticism, I'd greatly appreciate both.

In case you were wondering, also, Archive of our Own doesn't require an account to read, comment on, or give kudos on stories. You'll only need an account if you want to save the stories you read and upload stories of your own.

If you have any questions about anything, please let me know!

Hope you have fun~!