Guys let's make one thing clear, all we want is this forum to be a friendly and positive community.
That means no fights, insults, or general bad talk is allowed. Mods are trying to do their job by respecting the existing forum rules set by the administrators. They existed long before even most of us became members here.
Trolls' purpose is to attract your reaction, that's exactly what they want and that's why you shouldn't give them this satisfaction. Because you're only playing THEIR game. Plus the threads are getting filled with arguments and cuss words. This is supposed to be a kpop forum! So next time for the sake of all of us, if you notice any of them coming back just report them and do not respond to their provocations. Until we take action, ignore them. We will ban them immediately, as soon as we spot them. And please try to be respectful to mods who are only trying to keep this place peaceful.