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Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong

Chapter 7: The Bloom


The fairies were wandering the flower realm, Gardenia, playing around after years of stress protecting Aurora. They were carefree and giggling as they were about to pass into the earth realm Montium. That was until the map in Badaโ€™s possession began to glow once more. The fairies stopped and gathered around to see a new source of darkness had lit up another area of the flower realm. ENCHANTRESS were confused, as they had always left each realm after destroying the darkness. But they turned back and headed to the kingdom of Peonia.

When they arrived they were met by vast gardens with veins of streams flowing amongst the flora. After much wandering Yujin spotted a woman searching through a plot of peonies quite frantically. The sun fairy, who was always quite the people person, approached the woman and asked what was wrong. After a few moments of discussion Yujin placed her hand on the womanโ€™s shoulder and gave an affirming nod. She then traveled back to her fellow fairies and relayed the following information. The woman was a lady in waiting for a princess who had fallen ill after an interaction with a swordโ€™s man covered in peonies. She was set to be happily married in several days but was too sick to leave her bed. For she had fallen in love with this man, and her heart weighed too heavily on her. Everyone had been searching for this man ever since so that the princess could be restored to full health.

After hearing the story the fairies knew they had to find this man. And so they split up into different directions, searching every inch of Peonia for the flowery swords man. Just as the sun was setting it was Zoe who found the man, except he wasnโ€™t exactly a man. Laying on the ground was a pile of wilting peonies in the shape of a swordsman. She attempted to get the man to stand but he was unresponsive. It was then that she used her life control magic. She danced in a joyful circle around the peonies as they slowly began to be brought to life. The man of flowers eventually stood and quickly walked in the direction of the palace.

Zoe followed, flying above and watching his journey. She spotted Xia from a distance and shouted to her to inform the others as well as the lady in waiting. The ice fairy quickly flew off, following the earth fairies orders. Soon the pair had arrived at the palace and the frail princess was led out to the garden with the rest of ENCHANTRESS watching. The princess gasped at the sight of the flowery man she had fallen for so swiftly. But before she could reach him his body began to glow. All of the small peonies that made up his body began to come together, forming one large peony. The bright light went away and the now singular peony fell slowly to the ground.

Zoe grasped the flower and brought it to the smiling princess. She held the flower like the most precious object as the color came back to her cheeks. Over the next few days the princess got better and better as the peony died in a glass of water beside her bed. It was as if it had absorbed all of the negative energy from her broken heart. Soon the day for her wedding approached and she began to leave her room, excited to see her soon to be husband. Just before she left she turned back to the now dead peony and gave her thanks.

The fairies watched this exchange from a hidden area with smiles on their faces. They knew they had destroyed yet another instance of darkness in Ever After. And so they went on their way, but not before stopping to smell the blossoming peonies in the princesses garden and watching The Bloom.

Here is an explanation of aspects of this chapter

This chapter focuses on ENCHANTRESS's 1st Japanese Album "The Bloom"
The fairies enter the story of Princess Peony in which the album is based.
Zoe is highlighted because she is featured in the introduction video of the album.
Her Life Magic power was used to bring the mythical swordsman of peony back to life.
Peonia (the name of the town) is based on the word peony. This comes from the story's name. I also wanted to give any place in Gardenia a flower name due to it being the flower realm.


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong

Chapter 7: The Bloom


The fairies were wandering the flower realm, Gardenia, playing around after years of stress protecting Aurora. They were carefree and giggling as they were about to pass into the earth realm Montium. That was until the map in Badaโ€™s possession began to glow once more. The fairies stopped and gathered around to see a new source of darkness had lit up another area of the flower realm. ENCHANTRESS were confused, as they had always left each realm after destroying the darkness. But they turned back and headed to the kingdom of Peonia.

When they arrived they were met by vast gardens with veins of streams flowing amongst the flora. After much wandering Yujin spotted a woman searching through a plot of peonies quite frantically. The sun fairy, who was always quite the people person, approached the woman and asked what was wrong. After a few moments of discussion Yujin placed her hand on the womanโ€™s shoulder and gave an affirming nod. She then traveled back to her fellow fairies and relayed the following information. The woman was a lady in waiting for a princess who had fallen ill after an interaction with a swordโ€™s man covered in peonies. She was set to be happily married in several days but was too sick to leave her bed. For she had fallen in love with this man, and her heart weighed too heavily on her. Everyone had been searching for this man ever since so that the princess could be restored to full health.

After hearing the story the fairies knew they had to find this man. And so they split up into different directions, searching every inch of Peonia for the flowery swords man. Just as the sun was setting it was Zoe who found the man, except he wasnโ€™t exactly a man. Laying on the ground was a pile of wilting peonies in the shape of a swordsman. She attempted to get the man to stand but he was unresponsive. It was then that she used her life control magic. She danced in a joyful circle around the peonies as they slowly began to be brought to life. The man of flowers eventually stood and quickly walked in the direction of the palace.

Zoe followed, flying above and watching his journey. She spotted Xia from a distance and shouted to her to inform the others as well as the lady in waiting. The ice fairy quickly flew off, following the earth fairies orders. Soon the pair had arrived at the palace and the frail princess was led out to the garden with the rest of ENCHANTRESS watching. The princess gasped at the sight of the flowery man she had fallen for so swiftly. But before she could reach him his body began to glow. All of the small peonies that made up his body began to come together, forming one large peony. The bright light went away and the now singular peony fell slowly to the ground.

Zoe grasped the flower and brought it to the smiling princess. She held the flower like the most precious object as the color came back to her cheeks. Over the next few days the princess got better and better as the peony died in a glass of water beside her bed. It was as if it had absorbed all of the negative energy from her broken heart. Soon the day for her wedding approached and she began to leave her room, excited to see her soon to be husband. Just before she left she turned back to the now dead peony and gave her thanks.

The fairies watched this exchange from a hidden area with smiles on their faces. They knew they had destroyed yet another instance of darkness in Ever After. And so they went on their way, but not before stopping to smell the blossoming peonies in the princesses garden and watching The Bloom.

Here is an explanation of aspects of this chapter

This chapter focuses on ENCHANTRESS's 1st Japanese Album "The Bloom"
The fairies enter the story of Princess Peony in which the album is based.
Zoe is highlighted because she is featured in the introduction video of the album.
Her Life Magic power was used to bring the mythical swordsman of peony back to life.
Peonia (the name of the town) is based on the word peony. This comes from the story's name. I also wanted to give any place in Gardenia a flower name due to it being the flower realm.
Ranking the ENCHANTRESS fairies in terms of how powerful they are:
1. Bada - Water Memory
Bada has the power to travel to the future and the past using time like a river. She is able to make as many changes and therefore could over power anything the other fairies did. For example, even if Zoe killed/brought something back to life, Bada could just rewind time and prevent it from happening. Same goes with everyone else.
2. Zoe - Life Control
Like mentioned above, Zoe has the power to kill or revive anything.This is irrelevant, but she uses dance to activate her power. She of course only uses this for good. But the power to control a life is too big to put her any lower.
3. Violet - Floral Transform
Violet can transform anything, and I mean anything into whatever she wants (just not living beings). Someone's coming at her with a sword, boom she can turn it into sand. However I like to think she prefers to transform items into flowers when she can.
4. Xia - Ice Creation
Xia can create anything she wants and manipulate it to do her bidding. So she could create an ice dog and have it play fetch with her. The only downfall to this power is that ice is not the most powerful substance. Yes her ice will not melt regardless of the temperature, but it can be shattered.
5. Yujin - Shine Bright
Yujin has the ability to manipulate light. So she can magnify the sun's brightness to the point that it blinds those around her. This power is also helpful versus evil beings that may have a weakness to bright light. She can also make all light in an area disappear if she wanted to. However I don't think she would do this often because of her love for the sun.


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
Fictional Kpop News
Ever After Trainee Su Jiaqi Spotted at BLISS Labels?

*Left to right: Su Jiaqi, Cheon Sook, Wang Jiebai*
Recently fans spotted who is believed to be Ever After trainee Su Jiaqi at the BLISS Labels building.
She was allegedly seen walking towards the entrance with VIXENNE member Wang Jiebai as well as the
former child actress Cheon Sook.
Su Jiaqi first gained popularity when she was announced as a trainee to potentially debut as a member of Ever After's newest girl group CELESTIA. She obviously didn't make the cut, but many are still rooting for her debut. She charmed many with her powerful voice, chic visuals, and clean dancing.

And with this sighting many fans believe that her debut could be coming quite soon.

Theories have only heightened due to BLISS Labels being based in China, and Su Jiaiqi being of Chinese descent.
So far Ever After Entertainment, BLISS Labels, and Su Jiaqi herself have stayed quiet regarding the rumors.
Hopefully we will be provided with some clarity in the future.


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
Fictional Kpop News
Ever After Entertainment Confirms Su Jiaqi Rumors

Recently rumors have been swirling regarding Ever After trainee Su Jiaqi's standing. After she was spotted at the BLISS Labels building with VIXENNE member Wang Jiebai and former child actress Cheon Sook, many began to belive that she had left Ever After and signed with BLISS.
However today Ever After released the following statement clearing up and confirming the rumors.

Hello this is Ever After Entertainment,
We would like to clarify rumors surrounding Su Jiaqi.
It is true that Su Jiaqi left Ever After shortly after the debut of Celestia.

She felt that she would not have the chance to debut for a very long time and
decided to pursue her dream elsewhere.
After her contract was nullified, we wished her the best of luck with her future endeavors.

There is no bad blood between Su Jiaqi and Ever After.
However we cannot confirm whether or not Su Jiaqi now trains at BLISS Labels or not.
We are not privy to that information. Only Su Jiaqi herself or BLISS Labels can do this.
Thank you for your patience.

Fans are split at this announcement. There are many who wish she had waited it out at Ever After.
"If she had just waited 6 months or so she could have debuted in another group under a huge company. If it were me I would have stayed" @ HappilyEverAfter.

But there are also many who think this is the right choice for Su Jiaqi.
"Let's be real, she getting quite old for the industry, and her vibe only works for a concept that an Ever After group already has. I think it was smart of her to leave while she could so she could accomplish her dreams. And if it is true that she's at BLISS now, then she'll be able to perform in her native tongue." @ MythosMuses.

What are your thoughts on this statement, and when do you think we'll hear from BLISS Labels.


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
Ever After on Queendom Puzzle Continued: Snap vs Charismatic
I am going to be giving each Ever After idol a group to be in, either Snap or Charismatic.
I will also be giving them a position in the group. I will be relying on the winning teams' videos.
We're also gonna pretend the Celestia members can dance for the sake of this lol.
I picked members dependent on the lines, vibe and age cause I'm not putting a minor in Snap.

Yeona (Celestia) - Dowha (Sub Vocal 2)
Jade (Mythos) - FYE (Main Rapper)
Xia (ENCHANTRESS) - Hwiseo (Sub Vocal 1, Center)
Byeol (Celestia) - Kei (Main Vocal)
Haruka (Mythos) - Elly (Sub Rapper 1)
Bada (ENCHANTRESS) - Miru (Sub Vocal 3) & Juri (Main Rapper 2)

Violet (ENCHANTRESS) - Jihan (Main Vocal)

Aria (Mythos) - Nana (Sub Vocal 3)
Yujin (ENCHANTRESS) - Jiwon (Sub Vocal 2, Center)
Dasom (Mythos) - Wooyeon (Sub Vocal 1)
Grace (Celestia) - Soeun (Sub Vocal 4)
Zoe (ENCHANTRESS) - Jiwoo (Main Rapper)


Dec 30, 2019
Has Left The Forums
Kim Man Bong
Ever After on Queendom Puzzle Continued: Remix Battle
I am going to be placing each Ever After idol into one of the Remix Battle performances.
I will also be giving them a position in the group.
We're also gonna pretend the Celestia members can dance for the sake of this lol.
I'm assigning based on skill, vibe, and age (we stan age appropriate performances).


Yeona - Jihan Part
Dasom - Suyun Part

Grace - Elly Part

Bada - Yuki Part

Only One
Haruka - Soeun Part

Byeol - Kei Part

Shut Down
Jade - Hwiseo Part

Aria - FYE Part
Xia - Riina Part

Don't Call Me
Zoe - Yeoreum Part

Dance the Night Away
Yujin - Yeonhee/Jiwon Part

Violet - Bora Part