so i really loved those hunger games that used to be on this forum so i decided to make one too <3
this includes all 24 members of tripleS
Seoyeon & Hyerin DISTRICT 2:
Jiwoo & Chaeyeon DISTRICT 3:
Yooyeon & Soomin DISTRICT 4:
Nakyoung & Yubin DISTRICT 5:
Kaede & Dahyun DISTRICT 6:
Kotone & Yeonji DISTRICT 7:
Nien & Sohyun DISTRICT 8:
Xinyu & Mayu DISTRICT 9:
Lynn & Joobin DISTRICT 10:
Hayeon & Shion DISTRICT 11:
Chaewon & Sullin DISTRICT 12:
Seoah & Jiyeon credits to everyone who did those hunger games before me <3
BLOODBATH Jiyeon throws a knife at Yubin and hits the heart. Hyerin catches Sohyun off guard and kills her. Lynn shoots an arrow at Joobin but misses and kills Chaeyeon instead. Jiwoo finds a bag full of food. Sullin snatches some arrows from the cornucopia. Soomin stays at the cornucopia for resources. Mayu finds a backpack full of camping equipment. Dahyun snatches some arrows from the cornucopia. Yooyeon grabs a backpack of supplies and retreats. Hayeon thinks about grabbing supplies but decides to run for cover instead. Chaewon thinks about grabbing supplies but decides to run for cover instead. Kotone breaks Yeonji's nose for a basket of bread. Xinyu grabs a trident and food and retreats. Seoyeon almost kills Xinyu with a throwing knife but misses. Nakyoung breaks Kaede's nose for a basket of bread. Shion grabs a shield from the ground. Seoah scores a bar mace from inside the cornucopia. Nien grabs a backpack of supplies and retreats.
Hayeon stabs Dahyun with a spiked tree branch. Jiwoo, Yooyeon, Jiyeon, Soomin and Nakyoung hunt for other tributes. Yeonji asks Lynn to have mercy on her. Joobin begs for Xinyu to kill her. She refuses, keeping Joobin alive. Seoyeon hides in a bush, terrified and scared. Hyerin climbs up a tree to make a resting spot. Mayu, Sullin, Kotone, Nien and Chaewon hunt for other tributes. Seoah chases Kaede. Shion searches for water.
Yooyeon, Chaewon, Jiwoo and Nakyoung chase and kill Seoyeon. Hyerin begs for Yeonji to kill her. She refuses, keeping Hyerin alive. Sullin and Kotone create a fort for the night. Joobin tends her wounds with leaves and water. Lynn falls asleep in a tree. Xinyu, Mayu and Jiyeon sing songs together, hoping for the best. Soomin receives an iPad from an unknown sponsor. Hayeon receives a hatchet and water from an unknown sponsor. Kaede is unable to start a fire and is extremely uncomfortable. Seoah, Shion and Nien have deep conversation and discuss the challenges that will come the next morning.
DAY 2 Mayu in a cruel fate, asks Xinyu to kill Lynn or Jiyeon. She decides to kill Lynn. Hayeon receives a bow and arrow from a sponsor. Nakyoung hides in a bush, terrified and scared. Sullin throws rocks at Soomin from a hiding spot in a tree. Joobin receives healthy food from a sponsor. Yeonji makes a wooden spear from tree branches. Hyerin and Chaewon hunt for other tributes. Yooyeon tries to sleep in order to reduce stress. Kotone picks (non-poisonous) fruit from a tree. Jiwoo fishes in the water for some food. Kaede and Seoah hunt for other tributes. Shion searches for water. Nien searches for water.
Sullin accidentally walks over a land mine. Jiwoo and Xinyu fall asleep holding hands. Kotone falls asleep shivering from a fever. Nakyoung approaches Chaewon's campsite and asks to create an alliance. Yeonji questions her sanity. Hyerin and Jiyeon decide to make a peace treaty to make it through the night. Mayu sets up camp for the night. Hayeon receives matches from an unknown sponsor. Yooyeon leaves Joobin, Seoah and Soomin because she does not like their plan to kill more people. Kaede involuntarily passes out from sheer exhaustion. Nien receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Shion receives a gourmet five course meal from an unknown sponsor.
Jiwoo, Joobin, Hayeon, Yeonji and Yooyeon aggressively track down and kill Soomin. Hyerin sees poison fog but manages to escape. Xinyu practices her knife throwing and archery. Jiyeon and Kotone hunt for other tributes. Nakyoung searches for food. Chaewon runs away from Mayu. Seoah, Kaede and Shion hunt for other tributes. Nien sings a song while searching for a food source. She finally finds some wild berries.
Kotone and Xinyu kill Yeonji with their bare hands. Hayeon, Jiyeon and Hyerin sleep in shifts, each hoping the other two do not betray them. Yooyeon receives an iPad from an unknown sponsor. Nakyoung, Jiwoo, Chaewon and Joobin joke with each other. Seoah falls asleep to the sound of people screaming. Kaede begs for Shion to kill her. She refuses, keeping Kaede alive. Nien attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful given the lack of materials available.
Joobin and Hyerin spot and kill Jiyeon. Xinyu falls and scrapes her leg while running away from Kotone. Nakyoung overhears Mayu and Yooyeon talking in the distance. Seoah, Hayeon, Chaewon and Jiwoo raid Nien's camp while she is away. Shion searches for water. Kaede tries to sleep in order to reduce stress.
Hayeon severely slices Yooyeon with a sword. Joobin lets Chaewon into her campsite. Xinyu questions her sanity. Mayu cries herself to sleep. Jiwoo, Nakyoung and Hyerin sing songs together, hoping for the best. Kotone questions her sanity. Kaede is unable to start a fire and is extremely uncomfortable. Seoah wounds Shion in a confrontation, but spares her life. Nien is unable to start a fire and is extremely uncomfortable.
Jiwoo spears Xinyu in the back with a trident. Nakyoung makes a wooden spear from tree branches. Hyerin and Joobin create a fort out of sticks and leaves. Chaewon receives a water spile from a sponsor. Hayeon tends to Mayu's wounds. Seoah sees Kotone but decides to stay quiet and let her pass. Shion climbs up a tree to make a resting spot. Kaede steals food and water from Nien while she isn't looking.