The most important rule is to be friendly and polite with other users. This is a friendly community and we want to keep it that way.
- Don't spam the forum (don't post advertising, counting threads, meaningless one-word posts like 'yes' 'no' 'ok', only emoji posts, posts that add no value to the community and are made solely for the purpose of gaining credits). 3 warnings result in 5000 credits deducted. The second time one gets 3 warnings, they get 10000 credits deducted. The third time, they are banned.
- DO NOT post any self harm/ ******* messages anywhere in public (be it threads, posts, status updates, replays to other members status updates). If you really need to, you can only talk about such things with your friends, after asking if they are comfortable with the subject, in PRIVATE.
- Don't be rude to other Members or Moderators
- DO NOT post any racist or homophobic messages, nor talk about illegal activities/ things
- No sexism (gender discrimination) allowed
- Don't post religion or political topics
- DO NOT troll other members or the staff
- Do NOT advertise - don't use threads, profiles, PMs, VMs and signatures to advertise:
- Infringement results in Warning/ Banning
- Please use only English (You may use other language in VMs and PMs only)
- Infringement results in Warning
- Please DO NOT use adult images! (NO nude, NO pornographic material)
- do not use links to other websites in signature
- maximum number of images in signature: 3
- Infringement results in Warning
- Don't spam the forum (don't post advertising, counting threads, meaningless one-word posts like 'yes' 'no' 'ok', only emoji posts, posts that add no value to the community and are made solely for the purpose of gaining credits). 3 warnings result in 5000 credits deducted. The second time one gets 3 warnings, they get 10000 credits deducted. The third time, they are banned.
- DO NOT post any self harm/ ******* messages anywhere in public (be it threads, posts, status updates, replays to other members status updates). If you really need to, you can only talk about such things with your friends, after asking if they are comfortable with the subject, in PRIVATE.
- Don't be rude to other Members or Moderators
- DO NOT post any racist or homophobic messages, nor talk about illegal activities/ things
- No sexism (gender discrimination) allowed
- Don't post religion or political topics
- DO NOT troll other members or the staff
- Do NOT advertise - don't use threads, profiles, PMs, VMs and signatures to advertise:
- paid or not paid sites;
- applications that are used to connect people (e.g. Skype, Facebook, Yahoo and so and forth)
- any abbreviation that stands for the advertised services is not welcomed
- Youtube (as long as it does not advertise any of the services we consider as advertisement)
- Mediafire, Mega, Sendspace and other file sharing sites
- Tinypic, Photobucket and other image sharing sites (as long as it does not advertise any of the services we consider as advertisement)
- Photoshop, PainSai, Paint, Corel, Sony Vegas and other photo or video editing software
- VLC, Winamp or other media player
- Official Twitter/ Instagram/ Facebook/ Soundcloud pages or sites of celebrities
- Infringement results in Warning/ Banning
- Please use only English (You may use other language in VMs and PMs only)
- Infringement results in Warning
- Please DO NOT use adult images! (NO nude, NO pornographic material)
- do not use links to other websites in signature
- maximum number of images in signature: 3
- Infringement results in Warning
- It would be appreciated if you don't post more than 15 pictures/ post because posting more pics/post will make the post load slowly for users with bad connection
- DO NOT use 18+ images (includes nude, pornographic materials)
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