IVE unpopular opinions



Kpop Stan
1. Wonyoung's (unofficial) lead vocalist + lead dancer positions are wrong

While Wonyoung has a sweet dreamlike tone and an elegant style of dancing, she is not super impeccable at either of them. As an OT6 stan i can see that she can't really support. She is quite unstable live, and before Wonyoung stans come at me if she was stable she would've sang live more times instead of lip syncing. Wonyoung also could just be tired with the lip syncing thing. Her technique is also nasally like Leeseo, which is not ideal as a vocalist. She is rapidly improving from debut, but I feel like Rei deserves the position of Lead Vocalist more. Her dancing is always clean and sharp but she never incorporates a huge amount of energy and power which is something required for a lead dancer. Her torso and limbs have a stiffer placement which prevents her from being more flexible. She is proving to be a force to be reckoned with, fortunately. Leeseo and Liz are worthy of the lead dancer position, and possibly Wonyoung if she improves.

2. Wonyoung is not "biased"

So many people rant about how DIVES are Wonyoung biased too much and place her higher in rankings; when in reality they place their faves higher than they are supposed to be in different categories. There is always going to be a member that is more popular, and Wonyoung has been crowned one of the 4th gen IT girls. She also was Rank 1 in Produce 48 so it shows that she has a steady amount of popularity. Speaking of, many fans would have lost interest or never listened to IVE without Wonyoung. So think again when you claim Wonyoung as "biased". Because all members have stans and all members work to support IVE.

3. IVE is not that great at dancing

I've seen some people say that IVE are great dancers but have easy Choreo that messes them up. In my opinion, they are all average/below average in terms of dancing. The clear dance line, Gaeul&Yujin&Leeseo, are all average at dancing. They have not reached the level of superb dancers like Hikaru (Kep1er), Suyeon (Billlie) ect. Liz and Wonyoung were standout dancers during debut, but both kinda regressed (more significantly Liz) but both are still pretty decent dancers. Rei is a bit weaker in dancing, but she does have her clean movements. IVE's main problem is that they tend to be stiff, which prevents them from having more flexible and fluid movements. Their executions can be impeccable (shoutout to Gaeul and Yujin), but they need to improve in the dance aspect before being compared to better dancers.
