Group General Tarot Reading


Which group did you choose?

  • Group 1 - Spring

  • Group 2 - Summer

  • Group 3 - Winter

  • Group 4 - Autumn

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Lots of people seem to like my earlier post where I pull a card for them, so I thought why not make a general reading post?

If you don't know, a general reading is basically where somebody (most commonly a divination YouTuber) pulls cards for two or more groups and reads the general energies coming from the cards. When the video or post is published, the viewers choose their pile beforehand based on their intuition, or however else they choose to pick and follow the timestamp or other specific way to view the reading for the one specific pile they chose. Some readers choose to either pre-pull their piles before recording/posting or shuffle and pull their cards as they're recording/creating the post. For this post, I'm going to choose the latter and write this post as I am drawing cards at the same time.

Today I will be using my tarot cards as well as my homemade oracle deck, my homemade decks consisting of things such as the months, the zodiacs, colors, and I will also draw some numbers and letters. I also have a bag of charms that I pull blindly in order to get further insight into the reading, and inside the charm bag is my pendulum, so any group that gets the pendulum pulled will get to ask it a very specific 'yes' or 'no' question.

This reading is going to be for general advice again. If you guys like this type of post and would like to see more similar to this but with different themes, a certain type of reading (love, career, etc.), please let me know in the comments below so that I know you guys want this and that I can make more of these.

Please keep in mind that this is my first time doing a general reading ever, so if something seems off or hard to understand, please let me know so that I can better these posts in the future and give you guys a better understanding of yourselves and your future~.

I'm going to pick cards based on 4 groups today, and each group is going to be categorized by season. Before choosing your pile, I advise you to take 3 deep, calming, grounding breaths. Now, when you choose, you can either go for which season the pictures represent, the picture itself, the number, etc. Whatever reason you are pulled to a certain group, that is the group that you belong to, and that I will be reading for. If the reading for the pile doesn't resonate with you, please feel free to take 3 more deep breaths and choose a different group.

Please keep in mind that because this is a general reading, some things might be for you while some things won't be. These cards are reading the energies of lots of different people, so there's going to be a lot of different messages coming through at the same time.

Time to choose~

Group 1 ~ Spring

Hello, lovely group #1~! Let's see what the future has in store for you~

Card #1: Knight of Cups [creativity, romance, charm, imagination, beauty]
Card #2: Page of Pentacles [manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development]
Card #3: Ace of Wands [inspiration, new opportunities, growth, potential]

Right away, I feel like these cards are telling the story of somebody who is on a creative mission. You've been on this journey to discovering yourself through artistic hobbies and you've been inspired to perhaps make a public name or a profit for yourself with it. Please remember to keep a steady schedule if you choose to do so, or else you'll soon find yourself with too much to deal with.

Card #1: Sphallolalia - flirtatious talk that leads nowhere
Card #2: Ankedonia - the loss of interest and enjoyment in everything you once liked
Card #3: Kalopsia - you're in a delusion- things seem more beautiful than they are
Card #4: Dor - the sense of longing when separated from that which you love

I'm getting some mixed messages from these cards combined with the tarot cards. I think that now I've got these clarification cards, I think the cards are trying to warn you. It might seem easy going to be able to start your public creative journey, but if you don't keep yourself in check then you'll find yourself in a deep dark hole of "I'll get to it later" and "It doesn't take me that long, I'll have time". Eventually, you won't have enough time to get everything done and you'll find yourself stuck. If you put it off for too long, you may lose sight of your motivation and determination and eventually just... give up.

Key, zipper tag, googly eyes, bottle cap that says "hey u", one half of a blue buckle, and the pendulum.

I feel like this is telling you that you already have everything else that you need to start: you just don't have what it takes to finish it yet. You need to make sure that you're capable of finishing what you started in order to get complete fulfillment.

You've got the pendulum! Take your time and think of a question that you've been having stuck in your head for a while, and click to see what your answer was.

November, March, July, September

{This could be talking about a certain zodiac period in which important things are happening for you, or a significant figure who enters your life and is born under one of these zodiac signs.}
Sagittarius, Cancer, Libra

{These colors have meaning with them, so perhaps the words will be significant to you or maybe just the color itself.}
Red [passion, courage, strength, intense emotions], Orange [energy, attraction, vitality, stimulation], Yellow [intellect, inspiration, imagination, knowledge]

A, M, V, T, Y, X, F

14, 23, 17, 31, 7, 16, 5

Group 2 ~ Summer

Hello, lovely group #2~! Let's see what the future has in store for you~

Card #1: Three of Wands in reverse [playing small, lack of foresight, unexpected delays]
Card #2: Five of Swords [conflict, disagreements, competition, defeat, winning at all costs]
Card #3: Queen of Cups [compassionate, caring, emotionally stable, intuitive, in flow]

From these cards, I see that there's a road block that's stopping you from doing what you need to do for yourself. It's going to be okay. It will pass eventually, and when it does, things will be better for you than they were before. I promise you that things will be better, even if they don't seem like it at all.

Card #1: Koi no yokan - the sudden knowledge upon meeting someone that the two of you are destined to fall in love
Card #2: Zenosyn - time seems to keep going faster
Card #3: Abhorrent - hate is a four-letter word, yet something is causing that
Card #4: Alexithyma - you or someone else has a difficulty responding emotionally

There is a mix of messages in here, and I have a feeling that only a few of these are going to resonate for you, and that's okay. Just take the messages literally and don't try to force all of them to go along with you, because not all of them may be made for you.

Broken rubber band, zipper tag, key with yellow rubber ring, decorative safetypin button without a face

I feel like there's a lot of one-sided attachment on your end, but you strung yourself too tight and broke. It's okay, you'll have time to put yourself back together.

March, April, June, October

{This could be talking about a certain zodiac period in which important things are happening for you, or a significant figure who enters your life and is born under one of these zodiac signs.}
Gemini, Aries, Capricorn

{These colors have meaning with them, so perhaps the words will be significant to you or maybe just the color itself.}
Black [dignity, force, stability, protection], Gray [stability, contemplation, neutrality, reserve], Green [abundance, growth, wealth, renewal, balance], Brown [endurance, solidity, grounding, strength]

Y, E, A, J, K, M, J

7, 20, 17, 13, 3

**groups 3 + 4 seen bellow**
Group 3 ~ Winter

Hello, lovely group #3~! Let's see what the future has in store for you~

Card #1: The Magician in reverse [manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents]
Card #2: King of Cups [emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic]
Card #3: Page of Cups [creative opportunities, intuitive messages, curiosity, possibility]

Right away, I get the message that curiosity got the best of you as of trying out this reading because somebody robbed you of something, whether that be in the literal sense or in the sense of they made you less confident or open. Somebody wronged you in some way and you're trying to get insight from this post. Unfortunately, just from these three tarot cards, I can't get a clear message for you just yet, but let's see if the oracle cards have anything to say about it!

Card #1: Ambivalence - you or someone you know is dealing with simultaneous conflicting feelings
Card #2: Alpas - you are breaking loose and becoming free
Card #3: Forelsket - an ineffable euphoria experienced when one is enamored with someone
Card #4: Novaturient - the desire to alter your life and travel

I'm getting the sense that the person who wronged you was a previous partner. Someone who you fell deeply in love with and trusted with everything, but they turned against you and hurt you, whether that be physically or emotionally. However, you managed to break free, and that is beautiful! You're doing such a good job, I'm so proud of you. Now you are seeking a thrill; you want to travel somewhere alone to a place you've never been to. Please remember to stay safe and try your best to not get lost.

Clear bead, tight black rubber band, half of a blue buckle, eagle, piece of a pullie, red button, cat pin

Immideatly, I want to point out the fact that when I pulled the charms, the red button was stuck inside the pullie piece. I had a hard time getting it out, but when I did, I had to push it inside further in order to take it out. I feel like you were once that red button. You had to get yourself further into a situation you didn't want to be a part of in order to get yourself out of it. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. But I'm glad you're in a better place now.

As for the charms themselves, I also wanted to point out the fact that the cat pin is raising a paw high in the air. I always see this as "Hey!! Pay attention!! Here!!", like there's something important that you need to know or something that's going to happen very soon and you need to be aware of it. Just please make sure you're paying attention to your surroundings and keeping an eye out. The other charms talk about one-sided commitment or attatchment. Make sure you're keeping the people around you in check, because if you strain yourself too thin for people who think you don't matter, you'll break too much to recover.

May, June, September, October

{This could be talking about a certain zodiac period in which important things are happening for you, or a significant figure who enters your life and is born under one of these zodiac signs.}
Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn

{These colors have meaning with them, so perhaps the words will be significant to you or maybe just the color itself.}
White [peace, innocence, illumination, purity], Yellow [intellect, inspiration, imagination, knowledge], Pink [affection, friendship, companionship, spiritual healing]

P, N, O, W

2, 12, 18, 29, 13

Group 4 ~ Autumn

Hello, lovely group #4~! Let's see what the future has in store for you~

Card #1: The Tower in reverse [personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster]
Card #2: Ace of Pentacles [A new financial or career opportunity, manifestation, abundance]
Card #3: The Fool in reverse [holding back, recklessness, risk-taking]

I feel like for you, there's something you've been wanting to do for a while, but you've been putting it off, saying "It's easy, I'll get to it later." You then end up not getting back around to it and completely forgetting about it until somebody else asks about it or reminds you about it. In order to get yourself out of this pattern, you need to either keep reminders wherever you go as to not forget about it, or perhaps just drop it in general. Sometimes having yourself stop a certain path is better than stressing yourself out by trying to dig through the dead end.

Card #1: Dor - the sense of longing when separated from that which you love
Card #2: Yuanfen - a relationship by fate or destiny
Card #3: Oenomel - something combining strength with sweetness
Card #4: Solivagant - wandering alone

I have a sense that a new relationship or crush has entered your life, and it was a really great experience when they were there, but you either split apart or your crush rejected you, and now you're alone again. It's okay to be alone, you don't have to be in a relationship to feel loved. You still have yourself, as well as others around you. Please remember that there's no shame in asking for help, either.

eyes, ocean wave, zipper piece, cat pin, key with yellow ring, black star patch, pink foot on a chain, heart earring, eagle, googlie eyes, pendulum

For the black star patch, I always think of this charm as representing The Star in reverse, which means lack of faith, despair, self-trust, and disconnection. I feel like you blame yourself for a lot of things that go wrong, and that's not fair. You need to give yourself more leeway and more credit, because nothing that has happened is your fault.

Something that I need to point out for the cat pin is that it has a paw held high up in the air. I always feel like when that charm pops up, it's telling you that there's something important that needs your attention, so keep an eye out for anything. Same with the eyes charm, it's telling you that there is something you need to watch out for.

You've got the pendulum! Take your time and think of a question you've been having stuck in your head for a while, and click to see what your answer was.

December, April, June, October

{This could be talking about a certain zodiac period in which important things are happening for you, or a significant figure who enters your life and is born under one of these zodiac signs.}
Taurus, Gemini, Aries, Libra

{These colors have meaning with them, so perhaps the words will be significant to you or maybe just the color itself.}
Yellow [intellect, inspiration, imagination, knowledge], Brown [endurance, solidity, grounding, strength], Gray [stability, contemplation, neutrality, reserve]

U, V, N, U, G, F, E, F, Q, J

30, 8, 24, 9, 28, 4, 22

I hope you've chosen wisely~!

Blessed be!
How lovely..I really love it! I hope you can do more of this! ๐Ÿ’•
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It did take a very long time, but I had loads of fun while doing it, so I'm happy to do something like this again!


๐Ÿคชโ€ผ๏ธแ—ฉYE แ—ชOแ—ฐIแ‘ŽOโ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿคช
Staff member


Sep 22, 2020
(ยด ๊’ณ ` โœฟ)
Username Change
Flower Vase
Berry Tart
Heart Cake
Group 3 ~ Winter

Hello, lovely group #3~! Let's see what the future has in store for you~

Card #1: The Magician in reverse [manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents]
Card #2: King of Cups [emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic]
Card #3: Page of Cups [creative opportunities, intuitive messages, curiosity, possibility]

Right away, I get the message that curiosity got the best of you as of trying out this reading because somebody robbed you of something, whether that be in the literal sense or in the sense of they made you less confident or open. Somebody wronged you in some way and you're trying to get insight from this post. Unfortunately, just from these three tarot cards, I can't get a clear message for you just yet, but let's see if the oracle cards have anything to say about it!

Card #1: Ambivalence - you or someone you know is dealing with simultaneous conflicting feelings
Card #2: Alpas - you are breaking loose and becoming free
Card #3: Forelsket - an ineffable euphoria experienced when one is enamored with someone
Card #4: Novaturient - the desire to alter your life and travel

I'm getting the sense that the person who wronged you was a previous partner. Someone who you fell deeply in love with and trusted with everything, but they turned against you and hurt you, whether that be physically or emotionally. However, you managed to break free, and that is beautiful! You're doing such a good job, I'm so proud of you. Now you are seeking a thrill; you want to travel somewhere alone to a place you've never been to. Please remember to stay safe and try your best to not get lost.

Clear bead, tight black rubber band, half of a blue buckle, eagle, piece of a pullie, red button, cat pin

Immideatly, I want to point out the fact that when I pulled the charms, the red button was stuck inside the pullie piece. I had a hard time getting it out, but when I did, I had to push it inside further in order to take it out. I feel like you were once that red button. You had to get yourself further into a situation you didn't want to be a part of in order to get yourself out of it. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. But I'm glad you're in a better place now.

As for the charms themselves, I also wanted to point out the fact that the cat pin is raising a paw high in the air. I always see this as "Hey!! Pay attention!! Here!!", like there's something important that you need to know or something that's going to happen very soon and you need to be aware of it. Just please make sure you're paying attention to your surroundings and keeping an eye out. The other charms talk about one-sided commitment or attatchment. Make sure you're keeping the people around you in check, because if you strain yourself too thin for people who think you don't matter, you'll break too much to recover.

May, June, September, October

{This could be talking about a certain zodiac period in which important things are happening for you, or a significant figure who enters your life and is born under one of these zodiac signs.}
Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn

{These colors have meaning with them, so perhaps the words will be significant to you or maybe just the color itself.}
White [peace, innocence, illumination, purity], Yellow [intellect, inspiration, imagination, knowledge], Pink [affection, friendship, companionship, spiritual healing]

P, N, O, W

2, 12, 18, 29, 13

oo ty!! ^^ these are so cool! รถ

_areum โ‚ฐ

Band Manager
Aug 2, 2019
ํ•ด์•ผ ํ•ด ใƒ…


Group 1 ~ Spring

Hello, lovely group #1~! Let's see what the future has in store for you~

Card #1: Knight of Cups [creativity, romance, charm, imagination, beauty]
Card #2: Page of Pentacles [manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development]
Card #3: Ace of Wands [inspiration, new opportunities, growth, potential]

Right away, I feel like these cards are telling the story of somebody who is on a creative mission. You've been on this journey to discovering yourself through artistic hobbies and you've been inspired to perhaps make a public name or a profit for yourself with it. Please remember to keep a steady schedule if you choose to do so, or else you'll soon find yourself with too much to deal with.

Card #1: Sphallolalia - flirtatious talk that leads nowhere
Card #2: Ankedonia - the loss of interest and enjoyment in everything you once liked
Card #3: Kalopsia - you're in a delusion- things seem more beautiful than they are
Card #4: Dor - the sense of longing when separated from that which you love

I'm getting some mixed messages from these cards combined with the tarot cards. I think that now I've got these clarification cards, I think the cards are trying to warn you. It might seem easy going to be able to start your public creative journey, but if you don't keep yourself in check then you'll find yourself in a deep dark hole of "I'll get to it later" and "It doesn't take me that long, I'll have time". Eventually, you won't have enough time to get everything done and you'll find yourself stuck. If you put it off for too long, you may lose sight of your motivation and determination and eventually just... give up.

Key, zipper tag, googly eyes, bottle cap that says "hey u", one half of a blue buckle, and the pendulum.

I feel like this is telling you that you already have everything else that you need to start: you just don't have what it takes to finish it yet. You need to make sure that you're capable of finishing what you started in order to get complete fulfillment.

You've got the pendulum! Take your time and think of a question that you've been having stuck in your head for a while, and click to see what your answer was.

November, March, July, September

{This could be talking about a certain zodiac period in which important things are happening for you, or a significant figure who enters your life and is born under one of these zodiac signs.}
Sagittarius, Cancer, Libra

{These colors have meaning with them, so perhaps the words will be significant to you or maybe just the color itself.}
Red [passion, courage, strength, intense emotions], Orange [energy, attraction, vitality, stimulation], Yellow [intellect, inspiration, imagination, knowledge]

A, M, V, T, Y, X, F

14, 23, 17, 31, 7, 16, 5
But I'm kinda love autumn more sometimes ๐Ÿฑ


Kpop Amateur
Jun 21, 2024
I picked Group 3 - Winter! Thereโ€™s something about the cold months that always draws me in, maybe the quiet vibes or the cozy feels. A while back, I was feeling a bit lost, so I decided to do a general reading for myself, inspired by something I found on It was super interesting! The cards really reflected what I was going through and helped me see things from a different angle.

I love how youโ€™re pulling cards live! It adds such a personal touch. Last time I did something similar, I was shocked by how accurate the messages were. It felt like the cards were talking directly to me. Looking forward to seeing what insights come out of this reading!