Imagine you auditioned and you got selected by SU entertainment(an imaginary company). You're going to be categorized into groups you're gonna debut, according to your birthday.
1st group ---> 1st to 5th of any month
2nd group --> 6th to 10th of any month
3rd group --> 11th to 15th of any month
4th group --> 16th to 20th of any month
5th group --> 21st to 25th of any month
6th group --> 26th to 31st of any month
You can comment until May 4th. Until then, you will be a trainee. After the 4th of May, I will announce your group names and you are going to DEBUT! I can post other stuff related to this process later. Hope this will be fun and long term
You can apply for the manager position, too
โบThe kpop idol Xiaojun will be the CEO and I will be the leader of the 1st group.
All of the groups are co-ed
There will be other roles if this becomes a long term game
If you have any problem with this, please kindly send me a message
Create your profile with all the details. (You don't have to use any real information)
Group name
(1st group, 2nd group, etc. from above categories)
Who do you look like? Mention a name of a famous person or send a picture.
(You can change your real gender if you like).
Full name: (Can use a new identity or real name)
Stage Name:
Position: (The first person to post in a group will be the leader)
Years of training:
Zodiac Sign:
Blood Type:
Languages you can speak:
About you: (experiences, parents, the food you like and dislike, idol friends, etc )
P.S: This is not my idea, there is another thread called "Become a kpop idol game!" but it is no longer open for replies so I am making my own1st group ---> 1st to 5th of any month
2nd group --> 6th to 10th of any month
3rd group --> 11th to 15th of any month
4th group --> 16th to 20th of any month
5th group --> 21st to 25th of any month
6th group --> 26th to 31st of any month
You can comment until May 4th. Until then, you will be a trainee. After the 4th of May, I will announce your group names and you are going to DEBUT! I can post other stuff related to this process later. Hope this will be fun and long term

You can apply for the manager position, too

All of the groups are co-ed
There will be other roles if this becomes a long term game

If you have any problem with this, please kindly send me a message

Create your profile with all the details. (You don't have to use any real information)
Group name
(1st group, 2nd group, etc. from above categories)
Who do you look like? Mention a name of a famous person or send a picture.
(You can change your real gender if you like).
Full name: (Can use a new identity or real name)
Stage Name:
Position: (The first person to post in a group will be the leader)
Years of training:
Zodiac Sign:
Blood Type:
Languages you can speak:
About you: (experiences, parents, the food you like and dislike, idol friends, etc )
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